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Show 1871.] MR. A. G. BUTLER ON A NEW GENUS OF LEPIDOPTERA. 725 basali ochraceo tincta: posticce nebula discali obsoleta; basali ochraceo tincta: exp. alar. une. 1, lin. 6. Two examples of the male of this species were in the collection sent by Mr. Ansell from Kinsembo, a list of the species of which appeared in the Transactions of the Entomological Society for 1870 (see Tr. Ent. Soc. p. 527. n. 9). Genus BELENOIS, Hiibner. I. BELENOIS MELDOL.E, sp. n. Affinis B. thysae, minor; anticce margine externo duplo angustiore et inter venas interrupto; punctis discalibus obsoletis; margine haud maculato. Alee anticce subtus haud nigro maculata?; area basali rufescente posticce puncto minuto costali, altero valde indistincto tertio indistincto inter nervulos secundum et tertium medianos quarto vix distinguendo inter nervulos primum et secundum, squamosis nigris, aliter haud nigro maculatce: alar. une. 2, lin. 2. Allied to B. thysa, Hopffer (Papilio sabrata, Doubleday), but quite distinct. 2. BELENOIS SEVERINA. Papilio severina, Cramer, Pap. Exot. iv. pl. 338. figs. G, H (1782). A number of specimens of this species came also in Mr. Ansell's collection. Genus HERP_ENIA, Butler. 1. HERP^ENIA TRITOGENIA. Pieris tritogenia, Klug & Ehrenberg, Symb. Phys. Ins. ii. pl. 8. figs. 17, 18. 3. Description of a new Genus of Lepidoptera allied to Apatura. By A R T H U R G. BUTLER, F.L.S., F.Z.S., &c. [Eeceived November 8, 1871.] Whilst verifying the Apaturce in the collection of the British Museum, voy attention was arrested by an extraordinary development of the anal appendages in one of the species. This led me to examine with care the rest of the Butterflies referred to this genus; and as I found that none of them exhibited the same peculiarities of structure, I came to the conclusion that it must be separated as a distinct genus. Further comparison has revealed differences in the antennae and neuration, which, taken together with peculiarities of coloration and in the outline of the wings, will obviate that difficulty of determining the genus which is so much to be deplored in |