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Show 78 MR. ST. GEORGE MIVART ON HEMICENTETES. [Jail. 17, its posterior margin thickened ; a large perforation in each cxoccipi-tal; anterior palatine foramen very large; infraorbital foramen bounded above by a broad spiculum of bone ; the very small lachrymal foramen opens at the anterior side of the upper end of the spiculum ; first upper incisor the largest and longest of all the teeth ; second upper incisor very small. Cervical neurapophyses mere filaments ; many caudal vertebrae; pes rather or very elongated, both absolutely and compared with manus. Hab. Eastern and Western Europe. UROTRICHUS*, Temminck. I. g, C. \z\, P.M. ^=|, M. f~. Lachrymal foramen immediately above the middle of the infraorbital foramen ; no large exoc-cipital perforation ; infraorbital foramen bounded above by a very slender spiculum of bone ; second upper incisor of considerable size, though not nearly so large as the first incisor. Few caudal vertebrae ; pes not elongated. Hab. Japan and Western N. America. SORICID.E. S O R E X t, Linnaeus. I ___* n 1-p AI 2-Af or I. g, C. \Z\, P.M. g, M 4-1 ^ 1-1 „ A T 2-2 ^r 3-3 r 8-3 3-=_' or I. g, C. -S, P.M. }=±, M.§=J, 2-2 f, 1-1 „ ,, i_i - - ;>__;< •J* or I. S « C. £__}, P.M. g , M. £ Cranium broad behind, tapering forwards ; greatest breadth behind the glenoid surfaces; no postorbital process; occiput sloping much forwards ; no pterygoid fossa; no zygoma; pterygoid region not inflated ; mesopterygoid fossa ending "posteriorly in no excavation of the basis cranii; tympanic a mere ring, not forming a bulla; no alisphenoid canal; a large aperture on each side of the base of the skull; large and anteroverted postglenoid processes ; foramen rotundum and sphenoidal fissure represented by one opening ; infraorbital foramen considerable, limited above by a thick bar of bone; inside of ascending ramus of mandible with a peculiar and deep excavation ; articular surface of condyle looking backwards ; angle very attenuated; first incisor much larger than the others, and always with two cusps ; upper canine always smaller than the smallest upper * Temminck ' Fauna Japon.' i p. 22, tab. iv. figs. 6-11; Wagner, Schreber, feuppl. v. p. 569; Spencer F. Baird, ' Mammals of America,' p 76 pl xxviii t De Blainville, 'Insectivores,' pis. ii., v., and x.; F. Cuvier,' Dents des Mam-miferes, no. xx.; Owen, ' Odontography,' pl. ex. fig. 4 ; Duvernov Ma<rflRin de Zoologie, 1842; Wagner^ Schreb. Suppl.1 i. p. 4?fv. pp. S C T ' s o l f S E Brandt, Eussmn Memoir of 1865, before referred to; Spencer F Baird' ' Mammals of America,'pp. 7-56. l ' ' |