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Show 28 MESSRS. HARTLAUB AND FINSCH [Jan. 3, This species had already been sent from Savai in 1868 by Dr. Graffe ; amongst the examples were also specimens in summer dress. Species from Rarotonga. 1. MONARCHES DIMIDIATUS, sp. nov. 6*. Suqjra sordide cinerascens, nonnihil fusco -variegatus; remigibus fuscis, rectricibus nigricanti-fuscis; subtus albus, loris interrupte fusco-nigricantibus; subalaribus et subcaudalibus albo fuscoque variis ; pedibus plumbeis ; rostro plumbeo-ceeru-lescente, apice et tomiis pallidis. $ . Supra dilute fulvo-rufescens, subtus fulvo-albicans ; uropygio nigricante vario, plumis omnibus basi nigricantibus ; rectricibus pallide rufescentibus, parte apicali latius nigricante, rufescente limbata; tectricibus alarum late rufo-marginatis, remigibus nigricantibus, rufescente stride limbatis; subalaribus dilute rufis, subcaudalibus pallide fulvis ; colli lateribus et pectore leetius vulpinis ; rostro et pedibus sic ut in mari tinctis. Long, circa 5" 7'", rostr. 5!'", al. 3" 2'", caud. 2" 5'", tars. 8!'". Male. All the upper parts, cheeks and sides of the neck included, dark grey; rump and upper tail-coverts darker, blackish grey ; an indistinct pale greyish line on the lores, continued more indistinctly behind the eye ; all the underparts white, washed along the sides with grey ; thighs and under tail-coverts blackish, tipped with white ; under wing-coverts dark grey, margined with white ; remiges dark brown, at the basal portion of the inner web margined with white; quill-coverts also dark brown ; tail-feathers uniform blackish, darker at the quills ; shafts of the mantle-feathers whitish ; shafts of the remiges and rectrices black, pale from beneath. Bill dark plumbeous-blue, at the tips and along the edges of the mandibles margined with bluish white; feet dark plumbeous. "Irides dark brown; bill, legs, and feet lead-colour." (Garrett.) Another male has the upper parts darker, more slate-coloured, especially on the rump and upper tail-coverts, whereas a third male specimen shows the upper parts lighter, more decidedly grey than in the first described specimen; in this the underparts are also of a purer white, including the under tail-coverts, which are only at the base dark grey. Female. All the upper parts, sides of the neck, and head vivid rufescent fulvous, the feathers on the mantle and rump dark brown at the base ; the rump, therefore, is variegated more or less with dark brown ; all the underparts fulvous, but considerably lighter than the back, and at the middle of the vent nearly white ; remiges dark brown, margined on the inner web with white ; the primaries on the outer web with a broad pale fulvous margin, broader and paler towards the base, the secondaries with a narrow rufous margin alono-the outer web ; coverts of the primaries and secondaries dark brownt margined and tipped with rufous; smaller wing-coverts fulvous like" the back ; tail-feathers fulvous, much paler on the inner web, on the apical third dark brown, this colour much paler on the external |