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Show 168 MR. HARPER PEASE ON POLYNESIAN LAND-SHELLS. [May 2, sian, excepting the type T. porrcda, Gld. I am of opinion, however, that several species described as Truncatello will prove to belong to the above genus when the operculum is examined. TAHEITIA SCALARIFORMIS, Rve. Truncatella scalariformis, Rve. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1842, p. 197. Truncatello ardicostata, Mouss. Journ. de Conch. 1869, p. 6H. The above was first collected by the late Mr. Cuming at the island of Annaa, and since by Mr. Garrett. It is common about the roots of the cocoa-nut trees, and is the only species of its genus inhabiting the above locality. TRUNCATELLA CONCINNA, Pse. T. imperforata, cylindracea, elongata, tenuiuscula, nitida, alba, vel rufo-cornea, confertim et recte costulata, costis in ultimo circa 31; anfr. superst. 4, plano-convexi, ultimus ad basin cristo-costatus ; apertura subobliqua, ovalis, postice vix angulata perist. simplex, continuum, subincrassatum, album, adnatum. Long. 7, diam. 2\ mill. Hab. Insula Apaiang (Kingsmill). The species nearest allied to the above with which I am acquainted is T. scalariformis, Rve. TRUNCATELLA COSTELLIFERA, Pse. T. crassa, non rimata, elongata, turrito-cylindracea, parum nitens, rubello-flavescens, longitudinaliter costata, costis rectis, in anfr. ultimo circa 20; anfr. persistentes 5, convexi, ultimus circa basin compresso-costatus; apertura vix obliqua, ovalis; perist. simplex, continuum, adnatum; labrum dextrum acutum, intus vix incrassatum, extus prope marginem fortiter cos-tatum, costa compressa, prominens, circa basin extensa, cum costa umbilicali continua. Long. 7, diam. 2| mill. Hab. Insula Vavau (Brazier). The chief peculiarity of the above species is the stout rib encircling the outer lip, which continues around the base, connecting with the usual umbilical rib, of even size throughout; there is no trace of an umbilical fissure. It was collected at the above locality by Mr. John Brazier. Genus PLECOTREMA, H. & A. Ad. Two species of the above genus inhabit the Hawaiian Islands, viz. P. striata, Phil., and P. clausa, H. & A. Ad. Dr. Philippi had probably both species before him when his description was drawn up; that by Dr. Pfeiffer of the same species (Mon. Auric. 1856, p. 104) is more accurate. The description of P. clausa by Messrs. Adams agrees more strictly with the form I adopt as the type of that species than the one subsequently published by Dr. Pfeiffer in 'Novit. Conch.' vol. i. p. 15. |