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Show Augost 6, 1889, Agent Ronan reported that he had visited these Indians; that many of them desired to remain in their locality and have the 1x11~1tsh ey occupied allotted to them under said fourth scc-tion; aud that there was plerlto 3f excellent laud in that locality upon whidh to settle all the Iudiaus in severalty. August 28, 1889, Agent Ronan mas again instlucted to proceed to that conutry and advise the Indians to so select and locate upon their .claiu;.s that each person would receive, when the allotments should come to be made, the qua~ltityto which he might be entitled under the f.>urth section of said act, and to forward a description of the lands in the possession, use, and occupation of the Indians, to the proper local land officers, iu order that they might be fully advised in the matter and allow 110 entries thereon. He mas also ir~structedt o give such publicity as he might be able to the fact that the country in ques-tion was iu the yossession and nsc of the Indians, and that steps were being taken to have the same allotted to them, and that in the mean-time no white person could, under Gener:hi Laud Office circular of May -31, 1884, obtain any title or claim to any of the lands occupied by the India,ns. July 20,1891, Oathcrine B. Fry (Indian) filed several applications in the local land office at Coeur cl'AlBue, Idaho, among which mas an ap-plication to have allotted to her miuor child, Arthur Fry, certain lands in tb3 vicinity of Bouner's Ferry, Idaho, mhich application was referred to ttis office by the General Land OEce, December 29,1891. May 10, 1893, the special alloting agent on duty in this office, allotted to the minor child, Arthur, the lands applied for, and on the same date the allot~neutw. as forwarded to the Depart~nent. The next day the said allotiocnt, together with otbere, wasapproved by the Department and trausmitted to the General Land Office, with instructions to issue pat-ents to the allottees. Infbrnlation has reached this office to the effect that settle~nenbt y whites has been made upon the tract allotted to Arthur Fry; that a town of some 400 inhabitants has sprung up thereon; that the same has beeu laid off into streets and alleys; that a town~sitec ompany has been incorporated to dispose of the lots; and that, the improvements erected thereon have a11 evtimated value of many thousand dollars. A coulrnittee of t l ~ cei tizens of the town referred to has requested that the ailotirle~t~ot said minor be cancelled. The facts in the case thus , far obtained, show that the said allottee is entitled to the land in ques-tion. A special agent of this office has been sent there to make a full complete investig&tioll of the whole matter aud snbmit report thereof. His report has not yet been reoeived. |