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Show REPORT OF THE CO&IMISSIOXER OF INDIAN AFF.PIRS 29 without approval, for the reason that the sureties on the bonds had not qualified in a sufficient amount. Special directions were also given with reference to the lease covering district No. 1. April 12, 1893, the then agent, Miles, snbmitted to this office for a,p-proval two additional leases entered illto with certain members of the Eaw tribe, who mere also members of the ICaw council, each for three years from April 1, 1803, and aggregatiiig 26,000 acre8 at an an~~ual rentalof $:3,300. These leases had not becn authorized by the Depart-ment. They were subiuitted to the Ilepartment with office letter of April 25, 1893, and were retunied by tlke Department without approval, MAY1 2, 1893. They mere afterwards transmitted to Ohi~rlesA . Demp-sey, U. S. Army, acting Indian agent, for investigation ar~d further report, with office letter of July 18,1893. Tbe acting agent returned them August 29, and reconimended that they be not approved. He also. recommended that a portion of the land covered by said leases be leased for one year, from .April 1,1893, to the parties who had subleased from the said members of the Kaw tribe. The matter was submitted to the Secretary September 13, and September 16 he replied, in the acting agent's recommendation. Osage Reseroation.-Thirty-four leases, each for three years, from April i, 1893, at the uniform price of 34 cents per acre, containing a total estimated area of 831,188 acres, annual rental $29,091.58. Kiowa and Comanclbe Reservation.-Six leases, each for the period of' one year, from September 1,1892, aggregating 250,580 acres, averaging a little morethan 5 cents per acre, annual rental $12,577.44. Septem-ber 12, 1893, the Secretary aut.horizer1 the renewal of these leases for the period of one year, from September 1, 1893, at the uniform rate of 6 oents per acre for the estimated uumber of acres in each range. February 28,1893, the department authorized the renewal for one year, from April 1,1893, at the same rate (6 cents per acre), as the five leases mentioned in the last annual report. These coutain a total estimated area of 1,304,958 acres; annual rental, $75,297.48. These leases were approved by the Recretary of the Interior September 11, 1893. Omaha and Tlrinsebngo Reservation.-The last annual report makes mention of two leases on the Omaha Reservation, each for five years. from May 1, 1892, at 28 cents per acre per alinum, for a total area of 22,604.18 acres, a,t an annual rental of $5,651.13. Besides these, three additional leases have been exenuted on the Winneba,go Reservation, each for one year from Map 1,1893, at 25 cents per acre, aggregating 615 acres, annual rent $153.86. But one of the RTinnebago leases, how-ever, has bee11 ampprovedb y the Department. Uintah Reservation-One grazing lease for a period of five years from June 1,1893, covering that portiou of the reservat,ion known as 'LStramberry Valley," estimated to contain about 650,000 acres, at an |