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Show REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF INDIAN AFFAIRS. 73 INDIAN FINANCES. The following table shows all llioneys appropriated by Congress for the Indian ser~icefo r the fiscal years 1.885 to 1894. These amounts are taken from the digeats of appr~priat~ionpau blished for those years, respectively, by the Treasury Department. TABLE 10.-App~o~riations made by Congress for the Indian service for the fiscal years 1886 to 1894. - .- - .- .- ' 1385. ! 1386. ' 1887. i 1388. 1389. 8 - !- -~... ..... -- .- Total for the India" I service proper. ........ -- Sima national fund ........................ ..:. ............. ................. .......... *I, 000,000.00 lotnl p n ~ m ' ' &ion of L ~ u tingent ex- I i aian eervim. $221,726.03 ; $223,869.04 i $213,433.43 : ~209.300.00 stip~tlationa ; t of Indim I ! Ligations) ... 2 680 160.04 2 602,347.05 / 2 411,902.81 ! 2 150,242.66 port ........ 1: 262: 978.81 . 1: 214,781.27 1 1: 072,122.06 / '933,500.00 Interert on irusi-fund stook ! $ZW,605.60 %,663,030.29 755,607.08 ~.,,~:- - mnernl audm~sool~&eiue$x - pensea of the Indian service. support of 801,0018 ..--..-..... rust f,,nda prilloiprl ...................... .............. Pa, ment of' d e l l r e d a t i o n &irns: .................................................. ............. rnrmnasincr ~ t a t ast ook).. ... 95,110. w : 95.170.00 I 84.040.00 / 84,940.00 84,940.00 :llanB011SGI-lira serrics. 925 481.79 1 732 688.56 843 047.04 714,273.44 1,150.031.97 QU?. ~ I 00I 1,087: 105.00 1,211:438.33 / 1,179,915.00 1,318,221.94 57 1151.77 ......................... 1.. .............. corrent an4 oonLingollt ex-penses of the Indian s e ~ i c e . $?10.363.31 1 $2B, 033.73 6211,935.81 $202,659.12 Fulhlliz~g trontg stipulat.~onn with and snnport. of Indian Total fur the Indian I eerv~cep roper. ........ 6, 561,75916 / 7,480,954.47 1 8,016,844.04 1 8,342.004.91 7,854,962.99 ---~-,-A- - - -- - -- Sinnnnat,iclnal fund ........... i .............. i .............. !. ........................... tribes (treat7 obiigstions). ..; 2,758. 373.41 2,5U6,278. 82 Miscellanroild supllurt ........ 120,500.00 723,239.09 Intereat on tnat-fimd atacls (nomwrinn Strfc at,sck>.. ...I 84.556, 81 101.470.00 ~ Pspett to Senuinolea for cession of landa ............. 1,912.912.02 -- I --- T O T),a~ m~en ts forces ! sirm of) lands. ;... .. .:. 7; 193,799.12 j. ......... ../0 ,611,893.37 ..... .I. .- 3,048.054.35 150,600. 00 86,300. 00 "l!he$l,ou0,060 ohnrged to Siollx nations1 fond was returned to Treasnrx, ar the treaty vaa not ratified. 3,111.807.37 ; 2,849,406.44 670,816.57 680,671.08 80.390.00 80,380 00 |