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Show 62 REPOKT OF THE CO3tMISSIONER OF INDIAN AFFAIRS. Puyallul~R t?servation; also a map showilig the location of the county roads along vhich it was proposed to locate said electric road across the reeervatiou. Accompanying the application and map mas an agree-meut entered into between the county commissioners of Pierce County, Wash.; eoiumonly knowl~ as the County Oourt of Pierce County, TVad1.. aud said compaliy, authorizing the company, upon the condi-tio~ lsth erein named, to construct and maintain an electric motor line of road along the county roads in said agreement described, some of which roads, as has been said, passed through the Puyallnp Reserva-tion. 011 Dece~nber 14, 1802, the application wa,a submitted to the Secretary of the Interior for his co~lsideratioia~n d action. On April 13,1S9:;, the Acting Secretary retnnled the application to this office ith hoot ;~pproval; he also inclosed an opii:ion of the Assistant Attor-ney- General for the Interior Department, dated April 12,1893, in which the Dep:lrtnient concnrred, mhereiu it was hold that the a.pp1ication conld not be granted. I also deem it proper under this heading to speak of the efforts of o ~ l~?'rae~ ilrC . liosa to construct a railroad across the Pnyallnp reser-vation n~itbontf irst h a v i ~ ~segc ured from Congress a right of may for that 1nuy)se. April '7, 1S03, Agent Eells, of the Pal-allup Agency, te1egrnl)l;etl tiiat said Rmnk C. 12oss, wit11 a force of men, had com. inenced tlie constrnetio~o~f a railroitd a~orossc ertaiu lands allotted to tile Inrlisns OII tho reservation; that he bad not sufficient police force to remove Ross aud his gang of ~vork~nena,n d mished instructions and assistance. The follolving day Agent Eellti was telegraphed, in reply, that it n-;w not deemed advisable to ask for military aid unless absol~itell-ie cessaqr, especially because of the expense comieoted there-witli; t11:lt he should go with the force at his cornloand aud serve per-solin1 norice on the trespassers to remove from the reservation, and shonld ni-ire the result of this notice, and that troops nonld be asked for if other methods failed. April 12 tlie agent telegraphed that he had co~llylied witli t,he instructions given him, and that Ross and his ii~enr ef~~setcol 1e.ave the reservation and defied the Government to remove them. On the following day, based npon this telegram from the ugent, it nas recom~ueuded that the War Department be requested to fnruish a snffioient.m ilitary force, with the assistance of the agent, to remove the trespassers fr0111 the reservation. I t appears that in response to this request the War Department sent a slnall force, llnder Maj. J. T. French, Capt. G. A. Carpenter, and Lient. ITT. P. Goodwin, from Vancol~ver Barracks, to assist Agent Eells in removing the trespassers. The troops arrived on May 12 in cominand of Cspt. Carpenter. On the 15th, at the reqnest of Capt. Carpenter, the agent accolnpanien him to the railroad camp where t,he trespassers were at work, Ross at the time being absent from. the camp. Capt. Carpenter, with a part of his force, compelled the laborers to cease work. |