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Show others. Every means has been employed to overcome this opposition, but so far it has been nnavailing, and it is possible that assignments of landwill have to be made to those who uersist in their refusal to make selectious, such assignments being authorized by sectiou two of the generad allotntent act. Chippewa reservations in Minnesota. The coudition of allotment work anong the Chippewas is given in detail ou page 34. Lower Bruld Reservation in South Dakota. Mission reservations in California. Allotments have been eom-pleted in the field on the Rincon, Potrero, and Pala reservations. Patents have been issued for fourteen of thirty-three reservations selected for these Indians by the commission appoint~ul nder the act of January 12, 1891 (26 Stats., 7i2). Additiou to Roopa Valley Reservation in California. Authority has been obtained for 111ekiug illotments on the Rosebud Reservation in South D:blcota, but no special agent has yet been appointed or desiguated for the work. Iustructioua were prepared and snbmittecl to the Department on the 22d of March last, for the guidance of a speaial ageut to be appointed t o make allotruents to the Kickapoo Inditb~~ins Oklahoma, under the agreement with said Iudians, ratified by the act of March 3,1893 (27 Stats., 557). Moses Neal, esq., has been appointed to make the allot-ments. Surveys are in progres* on the Pine Ridge and Standing Rock Reservat~ons io Xorth Dakota and South Dakota. Previously to the present year snrveys were recommended to be made on the Fort Hall Reservation in Idaho, the Klamath Reservation in Oregon, and the Makah and Quinaielt Reservations in Washington. Returns of the surveys of nine townships in the Klamath Reservation 11avo bee11 received in the General Land Office, where they are IIOW pending, awaiting critical office examination, in connection with the report of the special agent who made an examinatiou in tho field of said snrveys. This office has no information as to the progress of the surveys on the other reservations above named. To Honreservation Indians.-The act of l,Iar<;h3 , 1591 (26 Stats., 989), autliorizes and directs the Secretary of the Iuterior to apply the bal-ance of the stlm carried upon the books of the Treasury Department under the title of homesteads for Indiaus, in the cmlfloyment of allot-ting agents, aud payment of their necessary espelises to assist Indians in securing homes upon the public domain nuder section 4 of the general allotment act of February 8, 1587 (24 Sttts., 385). Michael Piggott, of Illinois, having been appointed by the President as special allotting agei~tw, as instructed on August 10, 1891, to begin the work of allotments in the vicinity of Redding, Cal. He made, before his resignation, April 30, ,1803, 1,140 allot~ueuts to nonreser-vation Indians, located in California, Oregon, a,ud Nevada, 612 of which have been made since the publication of the last annnal report |