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Show BEEF (GROSS)-COSTINUED. [NOTE.-Fi.mres in large type denote the rates at BEEF (GROSS)- I On shosbonalteservatjon, atthe junction of the Little Wind and Big Popoagis rivers, abont 6 ,ilea in auur t In~r s tor ldy! ~eation from St. Stephen'. Miadon. t To ha delivered at the lnaue station. : w be dolivered tlke ng?ncl aqd aohool. Gart tlWa ith deliveries in ouani~tve very month as required to meet the issnes. A11 to be Utahmised ~~~~ ~ ~ . . b asre "ired Lll to be Utnlt-ririacdoattle. ~ ~ ~ t i %4 iyl i.o bs utnl~-raispdo attle. & - hii;"",m"n.l.l'i-.r i t'n x.n.n r~.ml~ e.rI . ?hen e n o n ~ hto last ro MBV1. During May and June, as requirsd. ~ ~ - " 1,e 1 ,".I..I,.c.I<~,,~~. I , u i r I . ,.atti* raidld in i:ulorsdI. Ilt:.b, syl \V~ornix~ga, nd .at#vo .%ncoriean. ll>glt re.. r W I 10 1,ol.l ..,urm 1 nltn~bnru f.attloonnlrrrratin~!r t fui"1 urccae.+ry. (Per L'ln~lllI L ~ \Yl,I,* I<.YI!,,V.. Ff ( i,,.lhery n~u~. t i~l(y~.a vtiera ised iu CoLor,ada, I:tai,. ~n..c iw yominl: and nsitiro .Amrrien.n.. ..Hi.@ *-.:."P.<c~II. ......I.. ~.,,, .,me, n,llntlrrn, ,.*,,loo,, r...nn,,un 1olln.l nce.,l,rr. , P o ~ ~ . ' , L I ~\~l'l,.l le R i ~ eUr tes.) Deliver ns re ired from SUIT 1 to November 1. Thenenou h to lnat to May 1. 1894. Cattle ri8Ed in coyoratl%o,a ll. and Wyommg. and native Am?rican. Ri %tr eserved to hold contract nnm-ber of aattls on r e r e r r ~ i o nif found neoesanry,. (For Ulntah and &ice River Utes.) h All ox nuns of the beef lleednd for issue for the year, July 1, i8W3. to June 30, 1894. Delivered ss required. i Allor nous of tila beef needed for ixsnefor thsninemontha October1 1893 to June30 1894 deliver-nblu an requirad auttioipnt for slaoghter until the final del\ljrary. Tde bs*i&nce deliderabis at our option afmr se $mber I, 1893. he two ,above bida a,- fornative Wyoming beef igroas) i. e., oattle batter tlmn ~a!oP,~ble.wmtered" and dnrlng their whole lives "northof the nouth Inla ?f Kansas. .deliaernblo to tire Shoahona Nmthern Arapahoes Shonhone school and Shoshones. Wyom3llg. j As required for Jnly,,August, September, an$ Ootobsr, le03. Northern-raised asttle. b he required for remaxoder of the,year, 1893. Northernraised cattle. 1 Delivered montltlg. Northern-rnzsedssttla. REEF (GROSS)--CONTINUED. 739 wbioh aontraots have been awaAed.1 Continned. |