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Show REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONEK OF INDIAN AFFAIRS. 49 owners or allottees for lauds taken for the uraii~ ditch, including dain-ages thereby caused to other lands owned by them; also to fix the amount of coir~pensatiou to be paid for any nnallotted tribal lands required by the company for reservoir, dams, and adjacent grounds. The Commission is presumed to be now in the field engaged in the dis-charge of its duties. The ditch wit11 necessary grounds through the Umatilla Reserva-tion, granted the Umatilla Irrigation Coinpauy of Oregon, by act of February 10,lS91 (26 Stat., 745), has beeu located and the consent of the Indiaus obtained in proper manner. The lands appropriated have been appraised and payment has been made by the company for all dama,ges assessed. Under authority obtained from the Department to pay the respective allottees the amount assessed in their favor, and also to pay the snm assessed for tribal lands, funds have beeu placed in the hmds of the agent with mhich to make such payments. Navajo Reseru(&tion.-This office made the followii~gre commendatious pertaining to the Navajo Reservation, to the Department, July 30,1890, and suggested that the President give the necessary instructions to carry the same illto 'Rect: First. That4he Navajo Reservation be divided, under the direction of the general commanding the Department of Arizona, into as many district8 as he may in hie judgment deem expedient, for the purpose of making a survey and contour map thereof, with a view to establishing a system of irrigotiou and developing s, water supplvthereon sufficient for the needs of all the Navajoes, together with their flooks and herds. Second. That as many officers of proper rank, the number to be designated by the commanding general, be detailed from the Army, and one assigned to each of s~roh distriotj, to make a preliminary topographical SurQey thereof, and to prepare from the results of snch survey a contour, or topographical map, 8.11 upon the esnme scale and of similar oharacter, so that a proper and correct map can be made of that large reservation. Third. That the survey be made also with a view to establishing and mavintaining a system of irrigation nod developing n siock water supply sufficient for the N&vajo Indirsns-in all, some 16,000 or 18,000-and that the irrigating ditches, or corrals, dams, latnmls, eto., necessary for irrigation purposes, and the lands to be irrigated therefrom, he indicatad on the proposed maps, together with the available and snit-able places far artosian vells, bore wells to be worked by windmills, points in oan-yous or moontains where storage reservoirs may be constructed, or where springs or other sorrrcos of water supply may be developed. Fourth. That nu estimate of the cost of constructing the proposed ditches, dams, laterals, flumes, eto., neoessary for irrigation purposes, he submitted in detail; that an estimate of the annual cost. of maintaining and repairing the same be also suh-mitted; and that the estimate of the cost of each artesian well, bore well, storage reservoir, eto., inclntling nkachinery and appliances, be also submitted. Fifth. That a, full sod oomplete report be mildo upon the question of the fessibil-itr of oonstructiu-g and maintsininy- a -prop-er s ystem of irrigation upon the Nspajo ~ Reservation, ant1 of ~ror idiuga suitahlo supply of water to meet the wants of aU the Navajoos now there, and of those to be removed thither, the report to contain also any other information or plans necessary to put into successful operation the system proposed. 7899 I A-4 |