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Show REPORT OF THE COXMISSIONER OF INDIBS AFFAIRS. 59 tion having been referred to this office through the Department for report, I replied under date of April 25, 1803, taking the position that Indian soldiers are already under the cha,rge of an agent within the meaniug of the law, and that were there authority of lax for Lieut. Byron's appointment as special agent in charge of them it would not be necessary in order to punish persons for selling them liquor. I also referred to the indictment of Mr. Fox, and expre,ssed the hope that the question as t,o the status of Indian soldiers mith relation to section 2139 of the Revised Statutes as amended by the act of July 23,1892 (27 Stats., 260), would, in the disposition of t,he oases, be authoritatively settled by the courts. EXHIBITION OF INDIAXS. April 12,1893, the Department granted authority for Messrs. Cody and Silsbnry to take 100 Indians for exlribition purposes at Chicago during the World's Colnlnbiar~ Exposition npon the understanding that said Codr and SaIsbury are to pay the Indians for their sexvice,s s fair compensation, t,o furnish them proper food andclotlriug, to pay their traveling and needfnl incidental expenses from the date of leaving the agenciesuntil their return thereto, to protect them from all i~~llnoral influences and snrroundings, to provide all needful inedioal attelldance and medicine, to do everythilrg that may be reqnisite for their health, comfort, and welfare, and to return the Indians to their reservations within the tirne specified by the Interior Departn~rnwt ithout charge or cost to them. For the faithful performance of t.heir several agreements with the individual Indians Messrs. Cocly arid Salsbnry were required to furnisl~a bond in the penal sum of $10,000. April 21, 1893, the Department granted aut11orit.y for George W. Lillie, LLPa\vneBe ill," to take Indians for his show upon the SRUI? terms and conditious as recited above, the amount of his bond being fixed at $5,000. The boud lrss been received in this office, but 110 agreeuleuts wit11 the indiricl~~Ianld ial~sh ave been subu~ittecbl y him ns reqnired. R,iILROADS ACBOSS RESERVATIOSS. GRANTS SINCI LAST ANNUAL ILEFOTrT. Since the (late of the last annnal report Cougress has gmntrd the followi~~ragil roirtl companies rights of may across Indiau lauds. ISDlAX ASD OI<L,\HO>IA TERRITOIIIES. Interocea?&iRc ~ i k c n yO OI I ~ I ) ~ I ~a~c.t- o-kP C, ~on gress allproved 3In~ch 3,1893 (27 Stats., p. 747 and lx 514 of this report), the Interoceani~R ail-way Company was grunted right of may through the <I'n dian Territory or through any Iiiclian reservation or l a ~ ~ dresse rved for 111clian pur- |