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Title Théâtre de la foire; ou, l'opéra comique; contenant les meilleures pièces qui ont été représentées aux Foires de S. Germain et de S. Laurent. Enrichies d'estampes en taille douce, avec une table de tous les vaudevilles & autres airs gravez notez à la fin de chaque volume. Volume 1
Call Number ML48 .L2 1722; Record ID 99205350102001
Date 1722
Description Le Sage, Alain-René (1668-1774) À Amsterdam, Zacharie Chatelain, 1722 Beginning in 1684, under the favor of the Abbé de Lyonne, Alain-René Le Sage began translating a number of plays from Spanish. The translated plays were unsuccessful in French theater, but a short original farce, published in 1707, won Le Sage acclaim and began his career as a playwright and novelist. In spite of the popularity of his work, the Théâtre Français was unwelcoming and in 1715, Le Sage began to write for the Théâtre de la Foire. He collaborated in writing nearly one hundred plays. Théâtre de la Foire (fairground theater), was comic opera held in outdoor booths at festival time. It enjoyed great popularity among both the nobility and the commoners of Paris. Much of Le Sage's inspiration came from his keen sense of Parisian society, which he used to advantage in picturesque scenes and adventures.
Creator Le Sage, Alain René, 1668-1747
Publisher Digitized by J. Willard Marriott Library, University of Utah
Subject French drama; Opera--France
Contributors Orneval,---d', d. 1766.
Type Text
Format application/pdf
Format Creation Original scanned with Hasselblad H2D 39 megapixel digital camera and saved as 300 ppi tifs. Display images created in PhotoshopCS5 and generated in Kirtas Technologies' OCR Manager as multiple page PDF.
Identifier Le_theatre_de_la_foire.pdf
Language fra
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Holding Institution J. Willard Marriott Library, University of Utah
Scanning Technician Kendra Yates
ARK ark:/87278/s6v98k5p
Setname uum_rbc
ID 84922
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Title Page 97
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Format application/pdf
Setname uum_rbc
ID 84766
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