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Show George F. Prince, New Harmony, Utah. 1365 IB 5". 30 .0533 cfs Gottleib Schmutz, New Harmony, Utah. Ib65 Is - 9-6 60 .1555 cfs ¦*1 A 1665 1- 4.c 50. .1034 cfs ry Field Ditch Co., o/o Rece Davis, New Harmony, Utah. i,a locC 1 175 50 2.92 cfe. Francis Prince, E;-i., New Harmony, Utah. from April 1, to Dec. 1. Said water to be diverted from Pasture Spring into New Harmony Town Soring Ditch at a ooint • •-j 3350 ft. KV, 1500 ft.W. of y S& Cor. Sec. l6, . T. 38.S. R.. V 13 W, and used to irrigate 5' acres of land in said Sec. 16 From April 1, to Dec. 1. Said water to be diverted from Pasture Spring at a point 3350 ft. K. and 15 Ju t J. ft'-, of Sit Cor. of Sec. 16, T. 38 3. R. 13 W, and used to irrigate .9.6 acres of land in the N^tJ- SW£ of said Sec. 16. . From April 1, to Dec. 1. Said water to be diverted from Pasture Soring at a point 3350 ft. N. and 1500 f.. W. of Stir Cor. of Sec. 1*, T. 38 S. , R. 13 W., and used to irrigate 4.3 acres ox land in 3ec. 16. From Jen, 1, to Dec. 31. Part of said water to be diverted from Main Creek. at a point ?. C° ?3« 1'. ?60b ft. from the 2T»V Cor. of Sec. 21, T. 28 3v, H. 13¦".'/, and conveyed in a ditch to Commanche Creek, said water will be comingled with the water of Commanche Creek and a total of 3. c2 c.f.s. of water will be diverted therefrom at a point 1250 ft, 3. and S75 ft. S. from the i-TV Cor. of Sec. 21i T. 33 3. H. 1Z W, into Ery Field Litch. Said wster to be dividea among the owners thereof in the ratio of their respective rights, or •ver-ge in the total acre'&ge as followa(l)V/illi^rn Chin 45 acres, (2) Clarence U. ::nelestead 2 PQTes, (,) Orson In the So. George and Washington Canal Co.,, at the Sproul Headgate,. In the Hurricane Canal Co. Canal at a point immediately above the-first diversion lateral at the town of Hurricane, In the LaVerkin Bench Canal Co. canal immediately above the entrance to the tunnel, When water available exceeds 131. 5 /c. f • p. , LaVerkin Bench Canal Co., shall receive the next 2. c.f.s. . . |
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Original book: Utah exhibits [of the] State of Arizona, complainant, v. State of California, Palo Verde Irrigation District, Imperial Irrigation District, Coachella Valley County Water District, the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California, City of Los Angeles, City of San Diego, and County of San Diego, defendants, United States of America and State of Nevada, interveners, State of New Mexico and State of Utah, parties |