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Show 452 (This page is not to be filled in by applicant) 4:00 p.m. State Engineer's Endorsements Dates 1. June ±8.,19j*8......Application received ^ MlJL^ in State Engineer's office by......101 2............................. Priority of Application brought down to, on account of.................... 3. June 18*19X8......Fee for filing Application. $ .2.50.........received by.SB ......,.....Rec. No... 19081 4. July 19, 1948 Application copied in book l"59 , pagekW.....and indexed by.M Y«h...... 5. June 21, 1948 Application platted by ACT................................................................................. 6. Aug.*. 1?» .1946.Application examined by......C.N.H........................................................................ 7.................................Application returned, with letter, to........... . ..........for correction e over counter 8...............................Corrected Application resubmttted by mail to state engineers office. 8a................................Copy brought up to date (red inked) and placed in record book by..................... 9.................................Fee for publishing m*ur requested. 10. June 18., 194&. Fee /or publishing norn. \ lO^Od..... Received byj&..............Receipt No. 19181. 11. Aug.. 12 t 19UB Application approved for advertisement by . C.N.H................................................... 12. .Sept... 8.,1948.Notice to water users prepared by ____C.EJH.............................................................. 13. .Sept. 16, 1948 Publication began; was completed ...October 14. 1948............................................ Notice published in.....Iron County Record...Cedar...Cityr Utah....................... 14. Sept. 17, 1948 Proof slips checked by. CJI^H...A..IG............................................................................. 15.................................Application protested by...................................._................................................................ 16. Nov. 24, 1948 Application designated for approval by ...C JS.H..... JffiR................................. 17................................Fee for approving Application requested............................................ 18. june 18, 1948......Fee for approving Application. $2.50, received by.....IB?...."Receipt No..19181. 19. April..ll^.l9.49.App/icafion proofread by.....CBP___US............................................................................- 20. April.. 11». X9U9.Application approved and returned to applicant................................................... This Application is approved, subject to prior rights, if any, on the following conditions: 1. Actual construction work shall be diligently prosecuted to completion. 2. Proof of Appropriation shall be submitted to the State Engineer's office by Sept, 10,...19.51...... w" 3. oct /6+X.\ ..................___............................................................. .......... ,.................. .... ............................... Harold A. Linke State Engineer. 21.................................Time for making Proof of Appropriation extended to................................................ 22. Aug. 15, 1950.Proof of Appropriation submitted. 23. Aug. 15, 1952Fee for filing Proof of Appropriation, $1.00. rec'd by.....)£$}*f' Rec. No £%<>££ 24. Aug. 15, 1952Fee for exam., maps, profiles and drawings, $5.00, rec'd b\jj&rA' Rec. NoJ^Q^^^ 25. Aug. 15, 1952Fee for issuing Cert, of Appropriation, $1.00, rec'd by.......Rem..Rec. No. 28035 26. Nov. 24, 1952Certificate of Appropriation, No. 4644 ............... . issued I Hereby Certify that the foregoing la a true copy of the Application by....;.......................................................... to appropriate water and of the endorsement* therein as shown by the records of my office on the date given below. Salt Lake City. Utah,................................................ U................................................................................................. State Engineer Application No~.....19.631. |
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Original book: Utah exhibits [of the] State of Arizona, complainant, v. State of California, Palo Verde Irrigation District, Imperial Irrigation District, Coachella Valley County Water District, the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California, City of Los Angeles, City of San Diego, and County of San Diego, defendants, United States of America and State of Nevada, interveners, State of New Mexico and State of Utah, parties |