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Show (J) Priority date Nov, 30, 1909 Quantity 2500 ac. ft. Priorit: ity May 7, 1910 Said water to be diverted as stated in paragraph 21 (i) stored from Jan* 1 to Dec* 31 in the Newcastle Irrigation Co* reservoir, released, and re diverted as stated in paragraph 21 (b) and used from Jan. 1 to Dec* 31 to irrigate 833.3 acres of land in Secs. 25, 21,27, 28 and 16, T. 36 S., R. 16 W.,S.L.B. & M. This appropriation which includes both items above of equal priority is founded upon application to appropriate water No* 281*7 filed and of record in the office of the State Engineer of Utah, to which record referenceis hereby made* 22- (a) ST. GEORGE & SANTA CLARA BENCH IRRIGATION COMPANY Santa Clara, Washington County, Utah. date Quantity 20.00 c.f.s* Point of diversion and place and purpose of use* said water to be diverted from the Santa Clara River at a point N. UO°55»W. hllh ft. from the Si corner Sec. 28, T. la S., R. 17 W#, S.L.B. & M* into the St* George & Santa Clara Bench Canal and usec to irrigate 1300 acres of land described as follows: parts of Ej SW^, Ej NWi&>SWi SEi Sec. 3, W 3A Sec. h, Sees. 5,6 except lSstfJ, 23, N^NEi Sec. 7, SEiNEi Sec. SEiNEj Sec. 7. NE$, , Nil? SEi and NEi S*tt Sec* 8, W| Sec. 9, EM, W|NEi, W§SEi, SEj SE* Sec. 10, S§NWi and S* Sec* H4, Ejlflfi, NEi ad Ej SE& Sec. 15, NjNWj, NE$ Sec. 16, T. l£S., R. 16 W., S*L.B. & M. SWj Sec. 33, SEi NWi Sole* 33, Si Sec* 32, S| NEi, Sei, S»i and NWi Sec. 31, lots 8,9,10,11,12, Sec. 30, T. la S,, Rf 16 W., sj Sec* 25, and 26, Wj»i and E| NWj NB* SWt Sec. 36, T. 10. S., R. 17 W., also NEJ and Bj SEi Sec. 1, T# h2 S., R. 17 W. (b) Priority date May 7, 1910 Quantity Said water to be stored in a proposed reseroir 000 ac. ft. located in the natural channel of Santa Clara River just below the town of Pine Valley, inundating 750 acres of land, parts of Sees., 10, 11, 1)4, and 15, T. 39 S., R. 15 W., S.L.B. & M. The stored water to be released into the natural stream of said river and diverted at said point, into said canal and used to irrigate 1666*7 acres of land described as in said paragraph 22 (a)* This appropriation which includes both items above of equal priority is founded upon application to appropriate water No 3196 filed and of record in the office of the State Engineer of Utah , to which record reference is hereby made. 23- VEYO IRRIGATION COMPANY, Veyo., Washington County, Utah. Priority date Quantity Point of diversion and place and purpose of use. Mar. ?0, 1911 10.00 c.f.s. Said water to be diverted, from SantaClara River at a point S. 2f>°31' W. 2555 ft from the NE corner of Sec. 23, T. 39, S., R. 16 W., S.L.B, & M. into the Dixie Power Company Caal and used to irrigate 700 acres of land described as follows: Part of the NWiwi, SW|SW| Sec. 5, NEi, SEi, SWj, W|NWi. part of NE^NWi, SE?NWi Sec. 6, part of NW-4-NEi part of W| Sec. 7, part of NWiNWt Sec. 8, T. W S., R. 16 W., SE^SEi Sec. 36,T. 39, S., R. 17 W., part of SEiNW-J-, part of Stfi Sec. 1, Ji Sec 2 part ofNWsfNEi part of N^NWi ^i , ^i . 3,. 39, , , p iJ, p i part of SE-J-SEi Sec. 2, part ofNWsfNEi, part of N^NWi, part of Sfc^NWi Sec. 12, part of Ej mi; and part of NE^SeJ Sec. 11, T. I4O S., R. 17 V7., S.L.B. & M. 2)i - (a; ST GEORGE & SANTA CLARA BENCH IRRIGATION CO. Santa Clara, Washington County, Utah. |