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Show historical sites and scenic treasures. The boating program was added in 1959 and the off- highway vehicle program in 1971. The major objectives for the state parks system are: 1) Provide a broad spectrum of high quality parks and recreational resources; 2) enhance the economic vitality of the state through increased tourist and vacationist traffic; 3) enforce state boating and off- highway vehicle laws; 4) regulate, protect and interpret the natural and historic resources in the park system; and 5) provide technical assistance and matching grants for outdoor recreation development. The Division of Parks and Recreation provides matching grants for riverway and non- motorized trail enhancement. This program leverages state dollars with local dollars, requiring 50 percent local match. Since 1991, 260 requests totaling $ 10.2 million have been received statewide. To date, 107 projects have been awarded funds totaling $ 3.2 million. In the Jordan River Basin these funds, amounting to more than $ 250,000 since 1991, have been directed primarily at the development of the Jordan River Parkway, 15.4 Outdoor Recreational Facilities and Use 15.4.1 City and County Parks Numerous county and city parks are located throughout the basin. Many of these parks are not located near large bodies of water, though efforts have been made to incorporate direct and indirect water use when possible. Excellent examples include Liberty, Sugar House and Murray City parks. Water courses have been effectively used at each of these locations. The county and others are presently working to improve the facilities around Decker Lake in an effort to promote recreational activities at what is presently used as a storm drainage and flood control facility. City and county swimming pools and golf courses are located in virtually every community. In the past five years, a coordinated effort has been made to develop a Jordan River Parkway that runs from Bluffdale to Rose Park. The cities of Bluffdale, Riverton, South Jordan, West Jordan, Murray, Midvale, West Valley City, South Salt Lake and Salt Lake City, along with the county and state, are all involved in the planning and development of an integrated parkway that will eventually run the length of the river. Salt Lake City and The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter- day Saints ( Mormons) worked jointly to complete a downtown park which features City Creek. For years City Creek has flowed through the downtown area in underground pipes. Although flood flows will continue underground, the creation of a new park with some of the City Creek flow returned to the surface is a token of the public's desire to include water in their parks and living space. 15.4.2 State Parks The Division of Parks and Recreation manages several state parks in the basin. Only two, however, are associated with a body of water. The Great Salt Lake State Park is located just north of U. S. Interstate 80 approximately 16 miles west of Salt Lake City. For the past couple of years, Great Salt Lake State Park has been visited annually by just over 500,000 people. The Great Salt Lake State Park offers swimming, boating and camping as well as a myriad of recreational day use activities. The other state park that features water as an attraction is Jordan River Park in Salt Lake County. Great Salt Lake State Park Marina 15- 2 |