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Show +l6 T 0 E M S. Jl The Soul her owji felicity hath laid, And independent on the Senfc, Sees the weak terrours which the World invade With pity or with negligence. J So unconcern'd flie lives, fo much above ! A The Rubbifh of a fordid Jail, That nothing doth her Energy improve So much as when thofe ftructures fail. She's then a fubftaftce Jubtile, ftrong and pure, So immaterial andrefin'd, As fpeaks hjer from the Body's fate fecure, And wholly of a difFrent kind. 14. Religion for reward in vain would look, Virtue were doom'd to mifery, All actions were like bubbles in a brook, Were't not for Immortality. 15. But as that Conquerour who Millions fpent Thought it too mean to give a Mite } So the World's Judge can never be content T o beftow lefs than Infinite, 16. Treafon TO EMS. 16. Treafon againft Eternal Majefty Muft have eternal Juftice too ; And fince unbounded Love did fatisfie, He will unbounded Mercy fhew. 17- o 1 v. It is our narrow thoughts fhorten thefe things. By their companion Flefh inclin'd 5 Which feeling its o w n weakneft gladly brings The fame opinion to the Mind. 18. • W e ftifle our o w n Sun, and live in Shade \ But where its beams do once appear, They make that perfon of himfelf afraid, And to his o w n acts moft fevere. 1 P. For ways, to fin clofe, and our breaft difguife From outward fearch, w e foon may find : But w h o can his o w n Soul bribe or furprife, Or fin without a fting behind ? 20. He that commands himfelf is more a Prince Than he w h o Nations keeps in awe 5 W h o yield to all that does their Souls convince, Shall never need another Law. II Happinefs. t |