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Show 192. T 0 EM S. Obferve thefe Turtles, kind and true, Hearken how frequently they W o o : They faithful Lovers are, and who That fees thee, would not be fo too ? Of them my fair Aminta learn, At length to grant m e thy concern ', Follow what "thou in them doft fee, And thou wilt Toon be kind to me. I Thofe mighty Bulls' are worth thy fight, W h o on'the plains fo ftoutly fight \ Fiercely each others^ Jbrow they hit, Where Beauty does with anger meet. 1 ove is the quarrel they maintain, As 'twas the reafon of their pain. So would thy faithful Shepherd do, If he fhould meet his Rival too. Thy Shepherd, fair and cruel one, In all thefe Villages is known : Such is hi^F^thers herd and flock, The plain is cover'd with the ftock. He the convenient'ft paftures knows, And where the wholefom water flows \ Knows where the cooleft fhadows are. And well hath learn'd a Shepherds care. Aftrology he ftudies too, As much as Shepherds ought to do ; , Nay Magick nothing hath fo dim, That can be long conceal'd from him. When any do thefe Secrets dread, H e for himfelf hath this to plead ; That he/by them fuch herbs can pick, As cure his fheep when they are fick. T OEM S. m He can forefee the coming ftorm, id SyA pn t>H Nor Hail, nor Clouds, can do him harnipdi ft oT And from their injuries can keepy< >ft2 p s m bnA Safely enough his Lambs and Sheep. oon: \<pQ. He knows the feafon of the yefc, W h e n Shepherds think it fit to fftear ' Such inoftenfive fheep as thefe, And ftrip them of their -Silver fleece. He knows the fcofching time of day, ' ~dl ni n W h e n he muft lead his flock ato&y i s w h il To Valleys which are <<&oI and near, To chew the Cud, and reft them thereil Y^d b orl • ! He dares the Fierceft Wolves engage, nofr W h e n 'tis their hunger->fnakes them rage p* Hi wV The frighted dogs, <W\m they retire, a ili// He with new couragfcl&tfinlpirel »vi th He fings and dances paffiflg well,^<r> b;afihzod i And does in wreftling tdo excell V ( s dtiw n Yes fair Maid, and fevf that knoW'him, "red ih But thefe advantage^^feffiow Wcft^u^ At our Feaft, he gets the Praife/b <§' For his enchanting Roundelays, tern And on his head have ofteneft been' The Garlands, and the Prizes feen. >v!o W h e n the Scrip, andr Crook he quits, And free from all difturbanee fits, He can maks the Bag-pipes fwell,{» And Oaten Reeds his pafiion tell. yen n ' 7 • • . W h e n his flame does him excite,' In amorous fongs to do the right, He makes the Verfes which he ufes, And borrows none of vther Mufcs. bnii Cc » nud in,- »rn o\ He |