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Show , 0*4) For n?/^ Uk $*> e'er fm$K or feU? What Hero ever livdfo well, Or who fo greatly dyd ? i. What cannot Glorious Caefar do ? How nobly does he fight and wob I On Crowns how does he tread! <' What mercy to Hhe wea\ he fhews, How fierce is he to living Foes, How pious to the dead I Cornelia yet would challenge Tears, But that the forrow which fbe wears, So charming is, and brave. Thai it exalts her Honor more, ThanHfflje all the Scepters bore, *Her Generous Husband gave. Chorus. r Then after all the Blood that's fhed, Let's right the living and the dead : Temples to Pompey raife ; Set Cleopatra on the Throne 5 Lert Caefar keep the World h* has won; And fing Cornelia J- praife. - After which a Grand Mafque is Danc'd before Cdefar and Cleopatra, made (as well as the other Dances and the Tunes to them) by Mr. John Ogilby. EPILOGUE f x * («5) EPILOGUE Written by Sir Edward Bering Ba ronet. P I easd or difple* d, cenfure as you think fit, T he Atf.on, Plot, the I anguage, or the Wit But w e re fecure no Bolder thought can tax Thefe Scenes of BJemhh to the bluThing Sex; Nor Envy with her hundred Eyes efpie One line fevereft Virtue need to flye: As chafte the wotds, as harmlefs is the fence* As the firft fmiles of Infant Innocence Yet at your Feet, Char's Content to bow, And Pompey, never truely Great till n o w • W h o does your Praife and kinder Votes prefer Before th applaufe of his o w n Theatre • Where fifty thoufand R omans daily bleft The gods and him, for all that they pofleft. t» J / r fad C°rr"f'a fa^S' J6™ gc n d e r breath VV,I1 force a finile,,evn after Pompeys Death. She thought all Paffions bury'd in his Urn But flattering hopes and trembling fears return : Undone in Egypt, Theffaly, and Rome, She yet in Ireland hopes a milder D o o m :* Nor from Iberian Shores, or Lybian Sands Expe&s relief, but only from your hands. Ev'n Cleopatra, not content to have The Univerfe, and Cxfar too her Slave, Forbears her Throne, till you her right allow : 'Tis lefs f have rul d the World, than pleafed you. " HORACE. |