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Show And by the place to which they take their flight, Leave us no doubt from whence they have their light. Your merit has attain d this high degree, *Tis above praife as much as flattery, And when in that we have drain d all ourflore, All grant from this nought can be diflant more. Though you havefung of friend [hips power fo well9 lhat you in that, as you in wit excell^ Yet my own inter eft obliges me To praife your pra&iat mire than Theory •, For by that handnefs you your friend did (bow The honor I obtain d of knowing you. In Pictures none hereafter will delight, You draw more to the life in black and white ; The Pencil to your Pen muji yield the place, This draws the Soul, where% that draws, but the Face. Ofblefl retirement fuch great Truths yon write, That 'tis my with as much as your delight j Our gratitude to praife it does think fit, Since all you writ are but effeBs of it. You Engltfh Corneilv Pompey with fuch flame, That you both raife our wonder and his fame \ If he could read it, he like us would call The copy greater than th' Original} You cannot mend what is already done, ^Unlefs you II finijb what you have begun : Who your Iranflation fees, cannot but fay, That'tis Orinda'x Work, and but his Play. The French to learn our Language now willfeek, To hear their greatefl Wit more nobly fpeakh R o m e too would grant, were our Tongue to her kflown, Caefar jpeaks better int than in his own. And all thofe Wreaths once circled ]?ompey^brow, Exalt his Fame, lefs than your Verfes now. From thefe clear Truths all mufl acknowledge this If there be Helicon, in Wales it is. Oh happy Country which to our Prince gives His Title, and in which Qrinda lives 1 The The Earl of Kofcomon to Orinda : an imitation of HORACE. Integer vita?, &c. Carm. lib. J. od. 22. 1. flrtue (dear Friendf) needs no defence^ No arms, but its own innocence y Pjiivers and Bows, and poifond darts, Are only ns'd by guilty hearts. 2. An honefl mind, flflly, alone May travel through the burning Zone, Or through the deepefl Scytbimfnows, Or where thefam'd Hydafpes flows. While rulcl by a rcfifllefs fire) Our great O R I N D A / admire. The hungry Wolves that fee me fir ay <Vnarmd andfwgle, run away. Set me in the remotefl place t *,. ^ That ever Neptune did embrace, When there her image fills my breafl, Helicon is not halffo blefl. Leave me upon fome Lybian plain, So fhe my fancy entertain, And when the thirfly Monflers meet, They'll all pay homage to my feet. 6. The Magickof O R I N D A ' x Name, Not only can their flercenefs tame, But, if that mighty word I once rehearfey They feem fitbmifflvely to roar in Verfe. a 2 Upon |