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Show ,ao • TQ EMS. So while w e feel no violence, And on our active Health do truft, A fecret hand doth fnatch us hence, And tumbles us into the duft. 4. Yet carelefly w e run our race, As if w e could Death's fummons wave$ And think not on the narrow fpace Between a Table and a Grave. But fince w e cannot Death reprieve, Our Souls and Fame w e ought to mind, For they our Bodies will furvive; That goes beyond, this ftays behind. 6. If I be fure m y Soul is fafe, And that m y Actions will provide M y Tomb a nobler Epitaph, Than that I only li'vd and dy'd. So that in various accidents I Confcience may, and Honour, keep; I with that eafe and innocence Shall die, as Infant! go to flecp. 1 T 0 E M S. 121 To the Queens Mdjejiy, on her late Sicfyefs and Recovery. THe publick Gladneft that's to us reftor'd, For your efcape from what w e fo depfor'd, Will want as well refcmbJance as belief, Unlefs our Joy be meafur'd by our Grief. W h e n in your Fever w e with terrour faw At once our Hopes and Happinefs withdraw y And every crifis did with jealous fear Enquire the News w e fcarce durft ftay to hear. Some dying Princes have their Servants flain, That after death they might not want a Train. Such cruelty were here a needleft fin 5 For had our fatal Fears prophetick been, Sorrow alone that fervice would have done, And you by Nations had been waited on. Your danger was in ev'ry Vifage feen, And onely yours was quiet and ferene. But all our zealous Grief had been in vain, Had not Great Charles's call'd you back again: W h o did your fufT'rings with fuch pain difcern, He loft three Kingdoms once with lefs concern. Lab'ring your fafety he neglected his, Nor fear'd he Death in any fhape but this. His Genius did the bold Diftemper tame, And his rich Tears qucnch'd the rebellious Flame. At once theThracian Hero lov'd and griev'd, Till he his loft Felicity retriev'd ; And with the moving accents of his wo, His Spoufe recover'd from the fhades below. So the King's grief your threatned lofs withftood, W h o mourn'd with the fame fortune that he woo'd , And to his happy pafiion w e have been N o w twice oblig'd for fo ador'd a Queen. But h o w fevere a Choice had you to make, W h e n you muft Heav'n delay, or Him forfake ? R Yet |