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Show l66 T 0 E M S. You are fo happy in each others love, And in affur'd protection from above, That w e no wifh can add unto your blifs But that it fhould continue as it is. O ! may it fo, and may the Wheel of Fate, In you no more change than fhe feels, create j And may you ftill your happineffes find, Not on your Fortune growing, but your Mind, Whereby the Shafts of Chance as vain will prove, As all things elfe did that oppos'd your Love. Be'kind and happy to that great degree, As may inftruct lateft Pofterity, From fo rever'd a Prefident to frame Rules to their duty, to their wifhes aim. M a y the vaft Sea for your fake quit his p ide, And grow fo fmooth, while on his breaft you ride, As may not only bring you to your Port, But fhew how all things do your vermes court. M a y every object give you new delight, M a y Time forget his Sythe, and Fate his Spight', And may you never other forrow know, But what your pity feels for others woe 5 M a y your compaffion be like that Divine, Which relieves all on w h o m it does but fhine, Whilft you produce a Race that may inherit All your great ftock of Beauty, Fame, and Merit. To his Grace Gilbert Lord Arch-Bifhop of Canterbury, July 10. 1664. THat private fhade, wherein my Mufe was bred, She alwaies hop'd might hide her humble head j Believing the retirement fhe had chofe Might yield her, if not pardon, yet repofe', Nor other repetitions did expect, Than what our Ecchoes from the Rocks reflect. T 0 E M S. X£7 But hurry'd from her Cave with Wild affright, And dragg'd rnalicioufly into the Light, (Which makes her like Hebrew Virgin mourn When from her face her vail was rudely torn) To you (my Lord) fhe n o w for fuccour calls, And at your feet, Avith Juft Confufion falls. But fhe will thank the wrong deferv'd her Hate If it procure her that aufpicious Fate, That the fame wing may over her be caft, Where the beft Church of all the World is plac'd, And under which when flie is once retfr'd, She really may come to be infpir'd; And by the Wonders which fhe there fhall view, May raifc her felf to fuch a Theme as you, W h o were preferv'd to Govern and Rcftore That Church whofe Confeffour you were before 9 And fhew by your unweary'd prcfent Care, Your fufPrings are not ended, though hers are : For whilft your Crofier her defence fecures, You purchafe her Reft with the lofs of yours, And Heav n who firft refin'd your worth, and then, Gave it fo large and eminent a Scene, Hath paid you what was many ways your due, And done it felf a greater Right then you. For after fuch a rough and tedious Storm Had torn the Church, and done her fo much harm; And (though at length rcbuk'd, yet) left behind Such angry reliques, in the W a v e and Wind; No Pilot could, whofe skill and Faith were lefs, Manage the fhatter'd Veflel with Succefs. The Piety of the Apoftles Times And Courage to refift this Ages Crimes ; Majeftick fweetnefs, temper'd and refin'd, In a Polite, and Comprehenfive Mind, Were all requir'd her Raines to repair, And all united in her Primate are. In your afpect fo Candid and Serene, The Confcience of fuch Vertue may be feen, As |