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Show i.88 T 0 E M S. A Garland too for thee hath ftaid; And 'tis of Faireft Flowers made : Aurora had this offering kept, And for its lofs r/ath newly wept. A lovely Fawn he brings „along, Nimble, as thy felf, and young, And greater prefents he would bring, But that a Shepherd is no' King. Come away my I ovely blifs, T o fuch divcrtifement as this, And bring none to thefe 1 ovely places, But only Venus, apd the Graces. Whatever company were nigh,. Would tedious be, when thou art by j Venus and Fortune would to me Be troublefome, if I had thee. She comes ! from far, the Lovely Maid Is by her (hining charms betrayd: See how the Flowers fprout up, to meet A Noble mine from her feet. How Sprightly, and how Fair is flie! H o w mush undone then snuff I be ? M y torment is, I know, ftvere, But who can think on't w h e n fhe's near ? My heart leaps up within my breaft, And finks again with Joy oppreft; But in her fight to yield m y breath, Would be an acceptable Death. Come then, and, in this ftade, be fure* That thy fair Skin fhall be fecure ; For elfe the Sun would wrong, I fear, The Colours which do ffourifh, there. T 0 E M S. i89 His Flaming fteeds do climb fo faft, While they to our Horizon hafte, That by this time his Radiant Coach, Does to his higheft houfe approach. His fiercer rays in heat, and length, Begin to rob us of our ftrength ', Directly on the Earth they dart, And all the fhadows are grown fhort. This Valley hath a private feat, Which is a'cool and moift retreat, Where th' angry Planet which w e fpy, Can ne'er invade us with his Eye. Behold this frefh and florid Grafs, Where never yet a foot did paft, A Carpet fpreads for us to fit, And to thy Beauty offers it. This delicate appartment is Roof d o'er with aged ftooping Trees, Whofe verdant fhadow does fecure This Place a native furniture. The Courts of Naiades are fuch, In (hades like thefe, ador'd fo much, Where thoufand Fountains round about Perpetually gufh water out. How finely this thick moft doth look, Which limits this tranfparent brook ; Whofe fportful wave does fwell and lpred, And is on flags and rufhes fhed I Within this liquid Chryftal, fee The caufe of all m y Mifery, And judge by that, (fair Murthereft) If I could love thy beauty left. Thy |