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Show 94 <P 0 E M S. Why fhould we then by poor unjuft complaint Prove envious Sinners 'caufe fhe is a Saint ? Clofe then the Monument \ let not a Tear That may prophane her Afhes now appear: For her beft Obfequies are that w e be Prudent and Good, Noble and Sweet, as fhe. A Friend. '• i. [ O v e , Nature's Plot, this great Creation's Soul, . The Being and the Harmony of things, Doth ftill preferve and propagate the whole, From whence Mans Happinefs and cafety iprings : The earlieft, whiteft, blefledft Times did draw From her alone their univerfal Law. i. Friendfhip's an AMtact of this nobler Flame, Tis L ove refin'd and purgd from all its drofs, The next to Angels Love, if not the fame, As ftrong as paffion is, though not fo groft: It antedates a glad Eternir5 *? And is an Heaven in EpitorheT Nobler than Kindred or than Marriage-band, Becaufe more free \ Wedlock-felicity It felf doth only by this Union ftand, And turns to Friendfhip or to Mifery. Force or Defign Matches to paft-may bring, But Friendfhip doth from Love and Honour fpring. If "POEMS. 4- If Souls no Sexes ha^e, for Men t' exclude W o m a n from Friendfhip's vaft capacity, Is a Defign injurious or rude, Onely mainfain'd by partial tyranny. love is allow'd to us and Innocence, And nobleft Friendships do proceed froni thence. 5- The chiefeft thing in Friends is Sympathy : There is a Secret that doth Friendship guide, Which makes two Souls before they know agree, W h o by a thoufand mixtures are ally'd, And chang'd and loft, fo that it is not known Within which breaft doth h o w refide their own. 6. EfTential Honour muft be in a Friend, Not fuch as every breath fans to and fro ; But born wirhin, is its o w n judge and end, And dares not fin though fure that none fhould k Where Friendfhip's fpoke, Honefty's underftood For none can be a Friend that is not Good. * 7- Friendfhip doth carry more than common truft, And \ reachery is here the greateft fin. Secrets depofed then none ever muft Prefume to open, but w h o put them in. They that in one Cheft lay up all their ftock, Had need be fure that none can pick the Lock. |