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Show I 144 T 0 E M S. And Souls united live above Envy, as much as flatter d Love. Friendfhip (like Rivers) as it multiplies In many ftreams, grows weaker ftill and dies. Mufidorus. Rivers indeed may lofe their force, W h e n they divicWor break their courfe; For they may want for^e hidden Spring, Which to their ftreams recruits may bring: But Friendfhip s made of pureft Fire, Which burns and keeps its Stock entire. Love like the Sun, may fhed his beams on all, And grow more great by being general. Orinda. The Purity of Friendfhip's flame, Proves that from fympathy it came. And that the hearts fo clofe do knit, They no third partner can admit; Love like the Sun does all infpire, But burns moft by contracted Fire. Then though I honour every Worthy Gueft, Yet m y 1 ucafia only rules m y Breaft. c • Rofania to Lucafia on her Letters. AH ! ftrike out-right, or elfe forbear5 Be more kind, or more fevere', For in this chccquer'd mixture I Cannot live, and would not die : And muft I neither ? Tell m e why. When thy Pen thy kindnefs tells, M y Heart tranfported leaps and fwells. But T p MMs: H$ But when pay p?e<Jy Eye does ftray, Thy threat'ried abfence to furvey, That Heart is ftruck, and faints away. To give me Title to rich Land, And the fruition to withftand, Or folemnly to fend the Key O f Treafures I muft never fee, Would it contempt, or bounty be ? This is fuch refin'd diftreft, That thy fad Lovers figh for left, Though thou their hopes haft overthrown* They lofe but what they ne'er have known, But I am plunder'd fjom m y own. How canft thou thy Rofania prize> And be fo cruel and fo wife ? For if fuch rigid policy Muft thy Refolves difpute with me, Where therris- Friendfliip's Victory ? Kindnefs is of fo brave a make* * - - j 'Twill rather Death than Bondage take \ So that if thine no power can have, Give it and m e one common Grave* But quickly either kill or fave. • • - • To my Antenor, March 16. \66\. MY dear ^nlenor, now give pre, For m y fake talk of Graves no more 5 Death is not in your power to gain, And is both wilh'd and fear'd in vain. I ets be as angry as vye will, Grief fooner may diftract than kill, And the Unhappy often prove Death is as coy a thing as Love. U Thofo |