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Show A I I 52 9 0 EM S. N o Bridegrooms nor Crown-conquerors mirth T o mine compar'd can be : They have but pieces of this Earth, I've all the World in thee. Then let our Flames ftill light and fhine, And no falfe fear controul, As innocent as our Defign, Immortal as our Soul. Rofania's private Marriage* IT was a wife and kind defign of Fate, That none fhould this day's glory celebrate : For 'twere in vain to keep a time which is . Above the ieach of all Solemnities. The greateft Actions pafs without a noife, And Tumults but prophane diviner Joys. Silence with things tranfcendent neareft fuits, The greateft Emperours are ferv'd by Mutes. And as in ancient time the Deities T o their o w n Priefts reveal'd no Myfteries Until they were from all the World retir'd, And in fome Cave made fit to be infpir'd. So when Rofania (who hath them out-vied, And with more Juftice might be Deified } W h o if fhe had their Rites and Altars, we Should hardly think it were Idolatry) Had found a breaft that did deferve to be Receptacle of her Divinity } It was not fit the gazing World fhould know W h e n fhe convey'd her felf to him, or how. A n Eagle fafely may behold the Sun, W h e n weak Eyes are with too much Light undone. N o w as in Oracles were underftood, Not the Prieft's only, but the common good : So "POEMS. So her great Soul would not imparted be, But in defign of general Charity. She n o w is more diftufive than before ; And what men then admir'd, they n o w adore. For this Exchange makes not her power lefs, But only fitter for the World's Addrefs. M a y then that Mind (which, if w e will admit The Univerfe one Soul, muft fure be it) Inform this All, (which, till fhe fhin'd out, lay As drowfie men do in a cloudy day) And Honour, Virtue, Reafon fo difpence, That all may owe them to her influence : And while this Age is thus imploy'd, may file Scatter new Blefllngs for Pofterity. I dare not any other wifh prefer, For only her beftowing adds to her. And to a coul fo in her felf complete As would be wrong'd by any Epithete, Whofe fplendor's fix'd unto her chofen Sphere, And fill'd with I ove and Satisfaction there, What can increafe the Triumph, but to fee The World her Convert and her Hiftory f. 5? >* Injuria Amicitidc. LOvely Apoftate ! what was my offence ? Or am I punifh'd for Obedience ? Muft thy ftrange Rigour find as ftrange a time ? The Act and Seafon are an equal Crime. O f what thy moft ingenious fcorns could do, Muft I be Subject and Spectator too ? Or were the Sufferings and Sins too few T o be filftain'd by me, perform'd by you ? Unlefs (with Nero) your uncurb'd defire Be to furvey the Rome you fct on fire. While wounded for and by your Power, I At once your Martyr and your Profpect die. Thi: |