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Show 1 44 TOE M S. But fhe, though fenfible, was ftill the fame, Of a refigned Soul, untainted Fame '-, Nor were her Virtues coarfiy let, for flie Out-did Example in Civility. To beftow blelilngs, to oblige, relieve, Was all for which flie could endure to live. She had a joy higher in $oing ^ood, Than they to whom the benefit accru'd. Though none of Honour had a quicker fenfe, Never had W o m a n more of complacence j Yet loft it not in empty forms, but ftill Her Nature noble was, her Soul gentile. And as in Youth fhe did attract, (for fhe The Verdure had without the Vanity ) So fhe in Age was mild and grave to all, Was not mort>fe, but was majeftical. Thus from all other W o m e n flie had skill To draw their good, but nothing of their ill. And fince fhe knew the mad tumultuous World, Saw Crowns re vers'd, Temples to ruine hurl'd ; She in Retirement chofe to fhine and burn, As a bright Lamp fliut in fome Roman Urn. At laft, when fpent with ficknefs, grief and age. Her Guardian Angel did her death prefage : (So that by ftrong impulfe fhe chearfully Difpenced bleffings, and went home to die; That fo fhe might, when to that place remov'd, Marry his Allies whom fhe ever lov'd) 'ledy'd, gain'd a reward, and paid a debt. he Sun himfelf did never brighter fet. Happy were they that knew her and her end, More happy they that did from her defcend : A double blcffing they may hope to have, One fhe convey'd to them, and one fhe aavc. All that are hers are therefore fure to be Blcft by Inheritance and Legacy. A Royal Birth had lefs advantage been. 'Tis more to die a Saint than live a Queen. POEMS. 45 To the truly competent Judge of Honour, Lucafia, up a fcandalous Libel made by J. J. H O n o u r , which differs Man from Man much more Than Reafon differ'd him from Beafts before, Suffers this common Fate of all things good, By the blind World to be mifunderftood. For as fome Heathens did their Gods confine, While in a Bird or Beaft they made their fhrine > Depos'd their Deities to Earth, and then Offer'd them Rites that were too low for Men : So thofe who moft to Honour facrifice, Prefcribe to her a mean and weak difguife , Imprifon her to others falfe Applaufe, And from Opinion do receive their Laws. VVhile that inconftant Idol they implore, Which in one breath can murther and adore. From hence it is that thofe who Honour court, (And place her in a popular report) D o proftitute themfelves to fordid Fate, And from their Being oft degenerate. And thus their Tenents too are low and bad, As if 'twere honourable to be mad : Or that their Honour had concerned bin But to conceal, not to forbear, a fin. But Honour is more great and more fublrme, Above the battery of Fate or Time. W e fee in Beauty certain Airs arc found, Which not one Grace can make, but all compound. Honour's to th' Mind as Beauty to the Sence, The fair refult of mixed Excellence. As many Diamonds together lie, And dart one luftre to amaze the Eye : So Honour is that bright vEtherial Ray Which many Stars doth in one light difplay. But |