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Show (loo) We to your fex can fuch a cunning fpare* And will pretend only to what w e are ; Nor expect: w e a courage of your ftrain Should ftoop by our example to complain t Receive this cruel news without a groan, Behold our tears, and never mix your own 5 And in a Fortune that is fo Forlorn, Be ftill unmov d, but fufter us to mourn. OLD HORACE. I think your tears fo due to your diftrefs, That all m y Courage fcarce can mine fupprefs ; A n d evn that Virtue might furrender too, Were I as much concern'd in it, as you. Not that the Allan choice makes m e fo ftern,p0 Sab* T o rob your Brothers of m y firft concern; But Friendfhip would in vain pretend to fway, W h e n Love and Nature will difpute the D a y; And m y heart no fuch tenderncfs receives, By which a Sifter, or a Miftrefs grieves', I can look on them as the publick Foes. And give m y Sons, m y undivided Vows; I thank the gods their Country without fhame M a y affert them, as they have done their Fame 5 I faw what Glory all their Brows adornd, W h e n the compaffion of both Camps they fcornd, If any weaknefs had that pity fought, Nay had they not abhorr'd fo poor a thought, M y arm for fuch a wrong to Vengeance bent, Had punifh'd that degenerate content. But when the Field would needs the choice renew, I muft confefs, I then defir'd it too, And if relenting Heav'n had heard m y voice, Alba had been redue'd to other choice ; The Horaces had then triumphant ftood With Swords unftained in the Curtian Blood, And by a Camhat lefe to Natures fhame, Had fav'd the Honor of the R o m a n name. But otherwife the mighty gods defign, And (101) And their high pleafure muft determine mine. With generous thoughts I build m y great refolve, And in the publick Int'reft mine involve; Take you that courfe to ftop your forrows growth, Rcmemb'ring this that you are Romans both. *You are by birth, what*you by vows became*** Cam. And there's a noble Fortune in that Name. Ho Sab. Rome fhall hereafter to that Empire grow, That the whole World fhall to her Enfigns bow j The trembling Univerfe her Yoke fhall bear, And Kings (hall court the Title that you wear. This our JEneas from the gods obtain'd- S C E N . VI. 1 Old Horace, Sabina. Camilla,' Julia. Old H O R. I Well, Julia know you who the Day has gaind > J U L I A. I know how Fatally it does conclude, Rome now muft ftoop to Albas fervitude : T w o of your Sons are by the Albans (lain Sabinas Husband only doth remain; n W h o ftartling at this too unequal fight, Himfelf preferv'd hath by his fpeedy flight. tt Old H OR. A h fearful Courage! heat without a flame ! Thou to thy houfe haft brought Eternal fhafhe! I thofe regret not for their Country flain, But him w h o m fear fuffers to live.; in vain' 1 *A He hopes, by this bafe aft, his Life to fave, I'll quickly fend him to his Brother's grave i AA I to Revenge am n o w fo fully bent, Kv2 My |