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Show 32 T 0 E M 55 Men did before from Ignorance take their Fame, But Learning^ felf is honour d bv thy Name. Thou ftudieft not belief to introduce Of Novelties, more fit for flicw than life 5 But think'ft it Nobler Charity d uphold The Credit and the Beauty of the old : And with one hand canft eafily fupport Learning and Law, a Temple and a Court. And this fecures me : for as we below Valleys from Hills, Houfcs from Churches know, But to their fight who ^and extreamly high, Thefe forms will have one flat Equality : So from a lower Soul I well might fear A critick cenfure when furvey'd too near ; But not from him who plac'd above the beft, Lives in a heighth which levels all the reft. :: To the Excellent Mrs. Anne Owen, upon her receiving the Name of Lucafia, and Adoption into mr Society, December 28. 1651. W E are compleat, and Fate hath now N o greater bleffing to beftow : Nay, the dull World mttft now confefs, W e have all worth, all happinefs. Annals of State are trifles to our fame, N o w 'tis made facred by Lucafia s Name. But as though through a Burning-Glafs The Sun more vigorous doth pafs, Yet ftill with general freedom fhines -, For that contracts, but not confines: So though by this her beams are fixed here. Yet fhe diffufes Glory every where. Her Mind is fo entirely bright, The fplendor would but wound our fight, And POEMS. 33 And muft to fome difguife fubmit, Or we could never worfhip it. And we by this relation are allow'd Luftre enough to be Lucafia s Cloud. Nations will own us now to be A Temple of Divinity -7 And Pilgrims fhall ten Ages hence Approach our Tombs with reverence. May then that time which did fuch blifs convey, Be kept by us perpetual Holy-day. To the truly Noble Mrs, Anne Owen, on my firjl Appoaches. MADAM, A S in a Triumph Conquerors admit Their meaneft Captives to attend on it, Who, though unworthy, have the power confeft, And juftifi'd the yielding of the reft: So when the bufie World (in hope t' excufe Their own furprize) your Conquefts do perufe, And find my Name, they will be apt to fay, Your charms were blinded, or elfe thrown away. There is no honour got in gaining me, W h o am a Prize not worth your Victory. But this will clear you, that 'tis general, The worft applaud what is admir'd by all. But I have plots in t : for the way to be Secure of fame to all pofterity, Is to obtain the honour I purfue, To tell the World I was fubdu'd by you. And fince in you all wonders common are, Your Votaries may in your Virtues fliare, While you by noble Magick worth impart : She that can conquer, can reclaim a heart. Of this Creation I (hall not defpair, Since for your own fake it concerns your care. F For |