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Show (4) Nor can you at a lefs rate than his Head Secure your own, and fhun the ftorm you dread. Let this be thought a Crime, if fo it muft, 'Tis not a States-man's Virtue to be Juft. ) W h e n Right and W r o n g are in the Ballance laid, The Intereft of Kingdoms is betray *d> Extreamcft Rigour is the right of Kings, W h e n Timerous Equity their Ruine brings. W h o fears a Crime fhall ever be afraid, But he'll rule all, w h q all things dares invade. W h o dangerous virtue, as difgrace, does (hun, A n d to an ufeful Crime as fwiftly run. This is m y Thought, Sir, but Achillas m a y, Or elfe Septimius^chufe fome other way. But this I know, whatever othes like, They fear no Conqueror, w h o the conquer'd ftrike. ACHILLAS. Photin fays true Sir, but though Pompey we Divefted of his former Grandeur fee, Yet that Blood Precious does to m e appear Which the gods did in Theffaly revere. Not that a crime of State fhould be refrain'd, But tis not lawful, till it be conftrain'd : And what need is there of fuch Rigour here ? W h o quits the conquer'd, need no Conqueror fear^ You may be Neuter, as you were before: And Crfar may, if him you muft, adore; But though you treat him as a Power Divine^ This is too great an Off ring for his Shrine. , T o Mars himfelf fhould this head offer'd be, 'Twould fix on yours too black an infamy : Let him not be aflifted nor diftroy'd, And fuch a Conduct will all blame avoid. You owe him much Sir, for Rome, m o v d by him, Hclp'd our Mr. King his Scepter to redeem: But Gratitude and Hofpitality, In Monarchs Breafts muft regulated be; :orl Nor 5) Nor can a King contract fo great a del*, But that hi5 Subjefts claim a greater yer. And all Engagement are to Princes void, /TP 1 1 • f 1 . 4 . ' '-'«*« T o cancel which their blood muft be imploy'd: Condder too, what Pompey did expofe W h e n he your Father help'd againft his Foes : By that he made his Power the greater feem And ra.s'd his o w n Fame, by reftoring him:' He did in fervmg him but language fpend ; But Ctfars Purfe appear d the better Friend • Had w e not Casfar's thoufand Talents feen Pompey s Orations had fmall fuccours been.' Let him not then his verbal merits boaft, For fafar.s Aflions have oblig'd you moft But if a benefit to him be due, Speak n o w for him, as he did once for you : His kindnefs fafely thus requite you may ; But here receiv'd, he will your Scepter fway: This conquer'd R o m a n yet a King will brave] And in your o w n Dominions you enflave. Refufehim welcome then, butfparehis Head; But if t muft fall, this arm (hall ftrike him dead: I can obey (Sir; and fliould Jealous grow, If any Hand but mine mould ftrike the blow. - • SEPTIMIUS. Sir, I'm-a Roman, and thefe Hero's know Pompey needs aid, and from you feeks it n o w ', You are his fate, may his loft hopes revive, Banifli, or kill, or give him up alive : The firft would coft you much too dear a rate, IH only then the other three debate. His exile draws on you enraged Pow'r, And does but half oblige the Conqucrour ; Since to a long fufpenfe you will him leave,. What fate his future battels fhall receive ; And both on you Revenge, when weary grown, I he Ills, which but for you they had not known. -1 E e 2 |