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Show 236 Fruiting specimens only; collected in McElmo Valley, 5,500 feet altitude. ASTRAGALUS . An interesting species, collected in fruiting specimens only, grows about Navajo Springs, near Gariso Mountains, Arizona. Another uncertain specie?, growing upon the alkaline flats of the La Plata, was almost out of fruit in June. OXYTROPIS PODOCARPA, Gray. Sierra Sangre de Cristo, 12,000 feet altitude, and alpine summits of the mountains near Breckenridge. PRUNUS DEMISSA, Walp. Common upon both eastern and western slopes at 8,000 feet elevation. COWANIA MEXICANA, Don. Mesa Verde and its caiions; El Late, 6,000 feet. OOLEOGYNE RAMOSISSIMA, Nutt. Near Hovenweep Castle, 5,250 feet altitude. PERAPHYLLUM RAMOSISSIMTJM, Nutt. Valleys of the Animas, La Plata, and Mancos, 6,000 to 8,000 feet altitude. CRAT- EGUS COCCINEA, L. Greenhorn Bange of the Arkansas Valley and along the banks of all the streams and rivers of Southwestern Colorado. CRAT^ EGrS RIVTJLARIS, Nutt (!). Texas Creek, near the Sangre de Cristo, 8,000 feet. POTENTILLA CRINITA, Gray, PL Fend., 41. Thompson's Park, 7,500 feet. HEUGHERA RUBESCENS, Torr. El Late, 9,000 feet. FENDLERA RUPICOLA, Eng. & Gray, PI. Wright, 77. Valleys of the Animas, La Plata, and Mancos, Mesa Verde and Cariso Mountains. TILLAEA - D- asRuanfONDii, T. & G. Bio Grande Valley. CALLITRICHE VERNA, L. Bio Grande Valley. CENOTHERA BREVIPES, Gray, var. parviflora, Watson. Sand- bar of the Bio Mancos, 5,000 feet. CENOTHERA SCAPOIDEA, Nutt. Alkaline flats, Canon City Park, 5,500 feet. MENTZELIA ORNATA, T. & G. Common throughout the Arkansas Valley, from 4,000 to 6,000 feet altitude. The flowers are more than 6 inches iu diameter, opening at twilight, about two hours later than those of M. nuda. When opening, they fill the surrounding air for some distance with fragrance. 2/. multif*> ra |