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Show 145 GENUS THRASAfiTUS, GRAY. Harpia VIEILLOT, Analyse, 1816,24. Type, * alco harpyia LINX. ( not of OSCHENH. 1810). Harpyia CCVIER, 1617. Same type. Thra$ aetu$ GRAY, P. Z. S. 1837,103. Same type. Sethropkrontes GLOGER, Handb. Nature. 1842,219. Same type. Anopaia HALDEHAX, Pr. Ac. Nat. Sci. Philad. 1642,188. Same type. CH.- Form that of Spizaetw, but organization more robust throughout, and tarsi almost entirely bare. Bill robust ( similar to that of Spizaetus coronatus); arch of the culmen forming about one- third the circumference of a circle, but the terminal curve rather abrupt, the tip inclining backward; upper tomium moderately lobed. Nostril oval, obliquely vertical, beveled off anteriorly to the edge of the cere. Feet exceedingly robust and powerful; tarsus less than twice the length of the middle toe; lateral toes nearly equal, the outer not appreciably longer than the inner, and very conspicuously weaker; middle toe exceeding the lateral toes by the length of its terminal phalanx; hind toe robust and powerful, nearly equal to the inuer. Claws large, powerful, but rather obtuse, greatly graduated in size, the outer being scarcely more than one- third the inner in length ; inner and posterior claws equal to their digits. Web between outer and middle toes well developed. Scutellse of tarsi and toes rough, and very irregular; they are generally of irregular hexagonal shape, and small, but they enlarge into transverse plates on the toes ( except the basal phalanx), and on the front of the tarens, where they form a short series of about ten broad scutellse; those of the posterior face are much larger, but very irregular both in size and arrangement, but they form a somewhat interrupted, and sometimes double series, which twists to the outer side toward the lower portion. Plumage generally full, the feathers broad and soft, with gently convex tips. Lores scantily bristled ; tibiae clothed with close, compact, very short feathers, extending in front over the upper half of the tarsus. Feathers of the posterior portions of the head and neck greatly developed, the occipital plumes much elongated, forming a broad, depressed crest, erectile at pleasure, those of the sides and hinder part of the neck forming when erected a broad ruff. Wing very short; primaries not reaching beyond the secondaries. Fifth, sixth, or seventh primaries longest; first shortest; outer seven with their inner webs very shallowly siuuated, the sinuation being perceptible on the last. Tail very long, nearly equal to the wing, even, the feathers strong and broad. THEASAfiTUS HARPYIA. HARPY EAGLE. Mgm/ a cristata BKISSOX, Orn. 1760, » 446. l* ttur harpyia L. INN. S. N.' i, 1766, 446 ( Adult.) Falcv harpyia GM. S. N. i, 1788, 251. GiipaZtus harpyia DAUD. Tr. ii, 1800, 27. Thra$ attus harpyia GRAY, P. Z. S. 1837, 108; Geu. i, 1845, 15, Hand List, i, 1869, 16. - BOXAP. Consp. i, 1850,29.- STRICKL. Orn. Syn. i, 1855, 26.- LAWR. Ann. Lye. N. Y. 1862, 7 ( New Granada).- SCL. < fc SALV. P. Z S. 1864, 368 ( Isth. Panama) ; Norn. Neotr. 1873,120.- SHAKPE, Cat. Ace. B. M. 1874, 224. Morphnu* harpyia CAB. & TSCHUDI, Arch. f. Naturg. 1844, 96, 265.- PELZ. Orn. Bras. 1871, 4, 397. A* twr harpyia SCHL. Mns. P.- B., Astures, 1862,25. Morphnns ( TkrasaetUs) harpyia RIDGW. Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. 1873, 72. F « « « r coronatus JACQ. Beitr. 1784,15. Vm&* 9 coronatus DACD. Tr. ii, 1800,28. |