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Show 58 outline of the cranium; the malars, the maxillae and the nasals more so, especially the latter. The two profiles show somewhat different features. While the oat-line of the occipital region, when viewed from the right, is almost perpendicular, that of the left slopes at a slight angle, and the left parietal tuber appears more prominent in this view than the right. Zygoma And malar thin; forehead straight; frontal tubers not projecting; angle between frontal and nasals sharp; anterior nasal spine prominent; upper maxillae but slightly prognathous. A facial view discloses a rather narrow forehead, frontal tubers, which are very slight, standing close together, no superciliary ridges, supraorbital ridges very slight, the'right one showing two foramina. Orbits rather oval and nose broad. Maxillae smooth; canine eminence very slight. Remaining teeth showing but little wear; the crowns of the two first molars being worn down most. Viewed from behind, the outline represents an irregular hexagon. Pa-rietals sloping roof- like from the apex to the tubers, from there almost straight to mastoid portion of the squamosal. From the mastoids the slightly curved outlines converge toward the posterior margin of the great foramen. The left portion of the lambdoidal suture contains three Wormian bones, one fourteen millimeters long and about five wide, be ing situated iu its upper third, while the two others, of smaller dimensions, at least in regard to length, are close together, almost touching the lower extremity of the suture. Superior curved liue well pro-nonnced, the same being the case in regard to the inferior. Muscular insertions of the left side more marked than those of the right, especially the depression for the rectus capitis. Mastoid processes obtuse. In a base view the compression of the left side of the skull shows hardly as much as from above, and the asymmetry does not extend over the whole base as it did in several of the other instances. In taking the dimensions, the zygomatic diameter could not be ascertained very accurately; the probable error of measurement is, however, supposed to be not more than ± Imm. 5. As the skulls are not yet cleaned, the internal capacity was not measured. Measurements. mm. Length 156 Breadth 141 Breadth of frontal 109 Height 142 Frontal arch *. 277 Parietal arch 330 Occipital arch 227 Longitudinal arch 335 Circumference 470 Length of frontal 115 Length of parietal 12S Length of occipital 160 Zygomatic diameter 124 Cranium B. The whole facial portion being broken off, only the cranial portion of the skull is left, and this is rather defective, as the left squamosal and the anterior part of the occipital are wanting. Cranium very light, showing smooth surfaces; age doubtful, but the individual was evidently younger than that from which skull A was derived. |