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Show 54 Doctor Yarrow in the vicinity of the ruins near Abiquiu, to which I took occasion to refer on one of the preceding pages. One of them, bearing the number 1178 in the catalogue, is that of a child about ten years old. The other, marked 1179, is that of an adult, and exhibits the general characters of a female. We shall first consider No. 1178, which is distorted about as much as No. 2; but while the latter is deformed on its right side, the former is compressed on its left, and is asymmetrical through its entire extent, including the lower jaw. Viewed from behind, it is of almost quinque-lateral shape, the two upper sides of the pentagon being formed by the parietals sloping down slightly from the coronal suture to the tubers; the two lateral sides are formed partly by the parietals and the posterior portions of the squamosals, sloping from the parietal tubers to the mastoid processes, which are very small and obtuse, while the base of the polygon is formed by a line running obliquely from the left zygomatic process across the occipital to within two centimeters of the right mastoid; protuberance of occiput scarcely developed; superior and inferior curved lines wanting; muscular insertions weak. Owing to the deformation of the skull, the two profile views are rather different from each other. The right side of the cranial portion does not present any extraordinary features, except toward the frontal region aud the adjoining facial portion. The left frontal tuber projects about one centimeter above the right one, the whole left half of the frontal being pressed forward, in consequence of which the right side seems to recede to a considerable extent; ridge of the nasals slightly curved inward. There is slight tendency to prognathism. The left profile shows the occipital depressions in almost its whole extent, the lower and posterior portion of the parietal being flat, almost concave instead of convex; this is also the case with the loft portion of the occipital. The asymmetry of the skull becomes not less striking in a facial view, in which case the frontal bone recedes in an oblique direction from the left tuber to a short distance behind the right one. The lower jaw partakes, in a similar manner, in the distortion, its left half being also pressed forward, but less tban the corresponding half of the frontal bone. The lower border curved inward and upward rather deeply near the symphyses, the curve descending lower on the right side than on the left. Viewed from above, the skull is of an irregular oval form, the left frontal tuber projecting beyoud the geueral outline, and the posterior portion of the parietal of the same side being compressed, so that the right parietal tuber appears to be very promiuent. Unfortunately the base is not complete; but, although the lower and anterior portion of the occipital and the basilar process are missing, there is evidence enough of the general distortion. The left mastoid process is about one centimeter beyond the right one, aud, although to a less extent, we notice both the palate bone aud the palate process of the left upper maxilla to be pressed forward. Measurements. CM. Capacity 1213 Length 151 Breadth 138 Breadth of frontal .• 1 110 Height* - Fr* o nTthael aanrtcehr ior margin of the foramen magnum being defective, the height could 2n7o1t be ascertained. |