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Show ^ 176 Leucopternis acotopterua KAUP, Contr. Ore. ia50, 69.- PKLZ. Verb. Zool.- Bot Gea. Wien, 1862, 19; Orn. Bras. 3.- SCL. & SALV. EX. Orn. 1868 ( syn. and ch. under text of L. aemiplumbeua); Nom. A v. Neotrop. 119.- SALV. Ibis, 1872, 242.- GRAY, Hand List, if 1869, 8. Buteo { Leucopternis) acotopterua RIDGW. Pr. Boston Soc. N. H. 1873,64. Asturina aootoptera SCHLKG. MUS. Pays- Baa, Astariuse, 1862,10. JETdb.- Eastern and Northern South America, from Bahia to Bogota ( SHARPE). Wing, 11.60- 12.40; tail, 6.80- 7.70; culmen, 0.80- 0.95; tarsus, 2.90- 3.20; middle toe, 1.25- 1.35. Fourth quill lougest; first shortest. Adult:- Head, neck, and entire lower parts white, pure beneath, tinged with ash above; pileum and nape sometimes streaked with black, always (!) with dusky shafts. Above, deep slate, with concealed white spotting. Tail with the basal half dark slate, more or less barred with white on the inner webs, the terminal half white, with a rather narrow subterminal zoue of slate. Young.-" Differs from the adult in having the feathers of the head and neck mesially streaked with slaty- black, the wing- coverts tipped with white, and the white spots on the inner webs of the dorsal feathers more conspicuous."- ( SHARPE, I. c.) Liat of apevimena examined.- In mus. Philad. Acad., 2 ( Southern Brazil); Am. Mus., N. Y., 1; Boston Soc, 2; total, 5. LEUCOPTEKNIS ALBICOLLIS. Falcoalbicollia LATH. Ind. Orn. 1790, 36; Gen. Hist, i, 250.- DAUD. Tr. Orn. ii, 112. Buteo albicollia GKAY, List B. Brit. Mus. 1848, 38; Gen. fol. 1849, sp. 15.- STRICKX. Orn. Syn. i, 1855, 37.- TAYLOR, Ibis, vi, 1864, 180 ( Trinidad and Venez.).- GRAY, Hand List, i, 1869, 8. Leucopternis albicollia KAUP, Isis, 1847,210 ; Contr. Orn. 1850, 78.- BONAP. Consp. i, 1850, 19.- PEIJ*. Verh. Ges. Wien, 1862, 140; Orn. Bras. 1871,3,395.- SCL. & SALV. EX. Orn. 1868,122; Nom. A v. Neotrop. 1873,119,- SALV. Ibis, 1872,242.- FINSCH, P. Z. S. 1870, f55 ( Trinidad). Buteo ( Leucopternia) albicollia RIDGWAY, Pr. Boston Soc. N. H. 1873, 64. Tochytriorchia albicollia BONAP. C. E. xli, 1855, 651. Aaturina albicollia SCHL. MUS. P.- B. Asturinre, 1862, 9. Urubitinga albicollia SHARPE, Cat. Aoc. B. M. 1869, 217. Falcopicatue SHAW, Zool. vii, pt. 1,1809,167. Buteo melanotic VIEILL. N. D. iv, 1816, 472.- PUCHER. Rev. et Mag. 1850, 84. Falco paecilonotna TEMM. PI. Col. 9, 1824. Buteo pcecilonotus VIG. Zool. J. i, 1824, 440.- STEPH. Zool. xiii, pt. 2, 47.- LESS. Man. i, 104; Tr. Orn. 81.- Cuv. Reg. An. ed. 2, i, 337.- GRAY, Gen. fol. 1849, sp. 19.- LEOT. Ois. Trinid. 18( 36, 7. Leucopternis pcecilonotus BONAP. R. Z. 1850, 481; Consp. 19. White- necked Falcon LATH. Gen. Synop. Suppl. 1787, 30. Hob.- Northeastern South America, from Northern Brazil to Trinidad and Bogota. Wing, 13.80- 14.60; tail, 8.30- 9.00; culraen, 1.00- 1.05; tarsus, 2.80- 3.25; middle toe, 155. Third to fifth quill longest; first shortest. Prevailiug color white, the wings and tail black; back more or less spotted with black, and pileum and nape sometimes streaked with the same. All the feathers of the wings tipped with white. Tail white at the base and end, the middle portion black, this black band of variable width, sometimes occupying the greater portion of the tail, but occasionally ( in a specimen from Bogota) restricted to a subterminal band, about 2.50 inches wide. We have not seen a sufficient number of specimens of this species to enable us to determine whether the remarkable difference in the markings of the tail observed between a Bogota specimen and others from the Amazonian district are sufficiently constant to be of geographical im- |