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Show # 234 MALVASTRUM LEPTOPHYLLUM, Gray, PI. Wright, p. 17. Valleys of the San Juan and La Plata. SPH^ RALCEA. EXORYI, Torrey, PL Wright, 1, 21. Valleys of the San Jnan, La Plata, and Mancos. THAMNOSMA TEXANUM, Gray. Soda Spring Ledge, Canon City, 5,400 feet altitude. GLOSSOPETALON SPINESCENS, Gray, PI. Wright, ii, 29. Near Hovenweep Castle, 5,250 feet altitude. BHAMNUS ( FRANGULA) CAXIFORNIOUS, Esch. Valley of the Animas, 6,500 feet altitude. POLYGALA ACANTHOCLADA, Gray, new species, Proc. Am. Acad., xi, p. 73. Frnticulosa, bipedalis, ramosissima, subcinereo- pubescens, spinis gra-cilibus armata; foliis lineari- spathulatis rigidulis ( lin. 3- 4 longis); flori-bus subaxillaribus sparsis albidis lin. 2 longis pedicello basi bibracteato parum brevioribus; alis obovatis sepalis ceteris duplo majoribua corol-lam adaeqnantibus; carina breviter cymbiformi nttda dorso umbonata. Growing upon a bluff side near the San Juan River in Utah, not far from the Colorado boundary. LUPINUS SILERI, Watson. Trail between Parrott City and the Mancos, 7,500 feet altitude. LUPINUS SITGREAVII, Watson, Proc. Am. Ac, viii, 527. Common in Southwestern Colorado, 7,000 feet altitude. TRIFOLIUM: ERIOGEPHALUM, Nutt. Lost Caiion and Parrott City, 8,600 feet altitude. TRIFOLIUM BRANDEGEI, Watson, hew species, Proc. Am. Ac, xi, p. 130. Dwarf, perennial, cespitose, and acaulescent, glabrous, the inflorescence slightly villous; stipules scarious; leaflets elliptic- oblong, thin, acutish, entire, a half to an inch long; peduncles about equaling the leaves; flowers spicate in a loose naked head, purplish, seven lines long; calyx- teeth lanceolate, acuminate, a little longer than the campanula^ tube; ovary stipitate, 7- ovuled. A very showy species, common in the Sierra La Plata. H6SAOKIA WRIGHTII, Gray, Plant. Wright, p. 42. Southwestern Colorado, 8,000 feet altitude. DALEA LANATA, Spreng. Valley of the San Juan, 6,000 to 4,000 feet. PETERIA SCOPARIA, Gray, PI. Wright, p. 50. La Plata Valley. ASTRAGALUS DIPHYSUS, Gray. Southwestern Colorado, 6,000 feet. ASTRAGALUS BIGELOVTI, Gray. Valley of the Mancos, 5,000 to 6,000 feet. ASTRAGALUS SUBCOMPRESSUS, new species. A. racemoso sect. Oalegi/ ormium admodum simiiis; dentibus calycis brevioribus; corolla ochroleuca; legumine falcato lateraliter compress) |