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Show 166 GENUS SPIZIASTUR, LESSON. , " Spizastur LESS. *', GRAY, List Gen. Subgen. 1843,3. Type, ialoo atricapillus TKMM. S. melanoleucus ( VIEILL). Spiziastur K.\ ur, 1851.- SHARPE, Cat. Ace. Brit. Mns. 1874, 258. CH.- Similar, to Spizaetits, but primaries longer, bill more compressed, toes and claws much longer, and head without an occipital crest. Bill much compressed, the tomia without distiuct sinuations; anterior oat-line of the cere simply convex. Nostril oral, vertical, near the middle of the cere. Tarsus about one and a half times the length of the middle toe; lateral toes nearly equal, but the outer perceptibly the longer, reaching to about the middle of the subterminal phalanx of the middle toe; posterior toe longer than the outer. Claws excessively graduated, the first and second being extremely long, exceeding their digits, the outer small, less than two- thirds its digit, the third being intermediate in length; their form normal. A distinct web between outer and middle toes. Tarsi densely feathered all round, only the lower joint exposed. Lores densely clothed with short, stiff bristles. Primaries exceeding the secondaries by about one- fourth the length of the wing; third, fourth, fifth, and sixth quills nearly equal, and longest, but tbe fourth and fifth usually exceeding the others; first shortest; inner webs of the outer five distinctly emarginated, the sixth faiutly sinuated; secondaries, 14. T*| il long, about two- thirds the wing, even, or very slightly rounded ;* composed of 12 feathers, the basal half overlaid by the coverts. SPIZIASTUR MELANOLEUCUS. Buteo mtlanoleucus VIEILL. N. D. iv, 1616, 4- 2.- CUVIER, Reg. An. 1817, 336.- VIEILL. & OUD. Gal. Ois. 1825, pi. 14. Spizaetus melano1cHcu8 BOXAF. Consp. i, 1K> 0, 23; Rev. Zool. 1850, 44S.- STRICKL. Orn. Svn. i, 1855, 73.- SCIIL. MUS. P.- B. Astures, li#> 2, 14.- LAWR. Ann. Lrc. N. Y. ix, 186S, 132 ( Costa Rica).- GRAY, Hand List, i, 1869,12.- SCL. & SALV. P. Z. S. 1864, 369 ( lath. Pauama); Norn. Neotr. 1873,120. Spizaetus ( Spizastur) melanoleucus RIDGW. Pr. Boston Soc. N. H. 1873, 71. Spizastur melanoleucus SHARPE, Cat. Ace. B. M. 1^ 74, 258. Falco atricapillus TBMM. PI. Col. i, 18- 23, pi. 79. Morphinist atricapillus VIG. Zool. Joiirn. i, 1824, 325.- STEPHENS, Zoology, xiii, 20. Astur atricapillus LESS. Man. i, 1828, 93. Spizastur atricapillus GRAY, List Gen. 1841, 3.- KAUP, MUS. Senck. iii, 1845, 259. Spizaetus atricapillus GRAY, Gen. 1 « 45, 14.- BOXAP. Consp. Av. i, 1850, 28.- BtRM. Th. Bras. 1856, 65.- PKLZ. Oru. Bras. 1871, 4. " Spizastur atriceps KACP, MUS. Senck. iii, 1845, 259" ( fide STRICKLAND, he). ffab.- Central Tropical America, south to Brazil, north to Guatemala. Guiana ( Mus. BOSTON SOC.) ; Costa Rica ( NAT. MUS.). Wing, U. 30- 16.40; tail, 9.50- 11.00; culinen, 0.95- 1.20; tarsus, 2. G5- 3.25; middle toe, 1.95- 2.25. Adult:- Upper parts uniform deep black; tail deep black, crossed by four broad bauds of brownish- gray, and narrowly tipped with paler. Head, neck, and entire lower parts pure white; lores and eyelids deep black, and occiput spotted with the same. Tibiie sometimes sparsely barred with black. Cere and rictus deep orange- red in life; bill black. List ff specimens* examined.- In Nat. Mus,, 1 ( No. 51302, La Pal ma, Costa Rica, Aug. 10, 1867 ; Jose* C. Zeledon) ; mns. Pbilad. Acad., 3 ; Boston Soc. N. H., 2 ; G. N. Lawrence, 1 ; total, 7. |