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Show 98 cast, the shafts of the feathers black. Pileum plumbeous- black, the occipital feathers* snow- white beneath the surface; primaries plain brownish- slate, their shafts clear brown. Tail narrowly tipped with white, and crossed by four very regular, but sometimes not sharply- defined, bands of dusky, narrower than the slaty ones, the last broadest, the first nearly obsolete, and concealed by the coverts, which are sometimes narrowly tipped with white. Lower parts white and rufous, in transverse bars, the shafts of the feathers black, and the rufous bars usually connected along the middle portion of the feathers; tibiae more deeply colored, the rufous usually predominating; crissum immaculate white. Lining of the wing white, irregularly spotted with deep rufous; inner webs of the primaries with transverse bauds of dusky and white anterior to their emargination and silvery- gray terminally, the dusky bands about seven in number on the longest quilt, the two colors nearly equal in width. Male:- Slate of the upper parts of a fine bluish cast; nape and sides of the head bluish- ashy, the sides of the breast usually tinged with the same. Wing, 8.85- 9.40 ; tail. 7.80- 8.30; culmen, 0.60- 0.68; tarsus, 2.30- 2.60; middle toe, 1.45- 1.55. ( Eight specimens.) Female:- Slate of the upper parts of a brownish cast; nape and sides of the head dull rusty-rufous, the sides of the breast without ashy tinge. Wing, 10.10- 10.80; tail, 9.00- 9.40; culmen, 0.70- 0.80; tarsus, 2.65- 2.85; middle toe, LCO- 1.85. ( Five specimens.) [ Colors in life:- Terminal half of bill deep black, basal half pale blue; cere greenish- yellow; iris deep orange- red; tarsi and toes deep lemon-yellow.] Young:- Above, grayish- brown, the feathers more or less bordered with rusty ; the scapulars aud upper tail- coverts with concealed white spots; the occiput blackish, with the bases of the feathers white, and the pileum and nape streaked with rusty. Tail grayish- brown, tipped | with whitish, and crossed by four bands of brownish- black or dusky. Lower parts white, longitudinally striped with clear dusky brown; the 6hafts black. [ Colors in life:- Iris varying from greenish- white to chrome- yellow; bill blackish terminally, pale blue basally; tarsi and toes varying lrom very pale greenish- yellow to lemon- yellow; claws slate- black. J Variations.- The extent of individual variation in this species, thongh very considerable, is limited by the terms of the above diaguosis. Adult males vary as follows:- No. 10,086, Washington, D. C. ( typeof description of N. cooperi. aduH male, in Baird, Brewer, and Ridgway's History North American Birds, vol. iii, p. 230):- Forehead, crown, aud occiput blackish- plumbeous, the latter snowy- white beneath the surface; rest of upper parts slaty-plumbeous, the nape abruptly lighter than the occiput; feathers of the nape, back, scapulars, and rump with darker shaft- lines; scapulars with concealed cordate and circular spots of white; upper tailcoverts sharply tipped with white. Tail more brownish than the rump, sharply tipped with pure white, and crossed with three broad, sharply- defined bands of black, the first of which is concealed, the last much broadest; that portion of the shaft between the two exposed black bands white. Lores grayish; cheeks and throat white, with fine, hair- like shaft-streaks of blackish ; ear- coverts and sides of neck more ashy and more faintly streaked. Ground- color beneath pure white, but broken by detached transverse bars of rich vinaceous- rufous, on the jugulum, breast, sides, flanks, abdomen, and tibiae; the white bars everywhere ( except on sides of the breast) rather exceediug the rufous in width; all the feathers ( except tibial plumes) with distinct black shaft- lines |