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Show Hi GENUS BUTEOGALLUS, LESSOR. Bdteogallus LESSON, Traits Orn. 1831, 83. Type, Foley aquinoctial'u GMELIX. GH.- Extremely similar to Urubitinga, the main difference being in the coloration; bat differing somewhat also in the relative proportion of the lateral toes and the degree of development of the loral bristles. The latter are almost entirely wanting, and the outer toe is not appreciably longer than the inner. It is extremely doubtful whether this form should be allowed more than subgeneric rank, the resemblance in most respects to Urubitinga being so exceedingly close. The points of difference * pointed oat above are indeed trifling, though characteristic; and although the adult plumage is strikingly different from that of any of the species of Urubitinga, the young stage is quite similar to that of U. anthracina. BUTEOGALLUS J2QUINOCTIALIS. Falco ( vqminocflalis GM. S. N. i, 1788,265. Buteo cequxnocUalis GRAY, List Ace. B. M. 1848, 37; Hand List, i, 1869,9.- ST RICK r,. Orn. Syn. i, 1855, 42.- 8CHL. Mns. P.- B. Buteones, 1862,18. Morphnus cequinoctialis GRAY, Gen. lit, App. 1849, 1. JJypomorpknus cequinoctialis SUXD. Crit. om Levaill. 1858, 25. Urubitinga ( Butcogallus) cequinoctialis RIDGW. Pr. Boston Soc. X. H., May, 1873, 63. Butcogallus cpquinoctialis SCL. & SAL v. Nora. Neotr. 1873, 119.- SHARPR, Cat. Ace. B. M. 1874,212. Falco bnson DAUD. Tr. ii, 1600,168. Buteo buson Via. Zool. Joarn. i, 16* 24, 340. ButeogaUus buson GRAY, List Gen. 1840, 2.- BONAP. Cousp. i, 1850,17. Daptrius buson GRAY, List Ace. B. M. 1644,14. Morphnus buson GRAY, Gen. i, 1845, 15. U Buson LEVAILL. Ois. d'Afr. i, 1799, 86, pi. 21.- SUND. Crit. om Levaill. 1658, 25. Hob.- Northern Sooth America. Columbia ( SHABPE) ; Demerara ( BR. Mv8., fide SHABPE) ; Cayenne ( Mus. BOSTON SOC). Wing, 12.25- 13.40; tail, 7.00- 7.50; culmen, 1.00- 1.05; tarsus, 2.80- 3.00; middle toe, 1.50- 1.70. Third quill longest ;* first longer than ninth. Tail even, orslightlyemargiuate. Adult:- Head, neck, andupperpartsgener-ally blackish- brown; lower parts, secondaries ( except a broad terminal band), and broad borders to the larger scapulars lateritious- rufous, or brick- red, the lower parts barred transversely with dusky. Tail deep black, narrowly tipped with white, and crossed about the middle portion by a narrow band ( generally interrupted) of pale grayish. Young:- Above plain dull grayish- brown, the primaries black. Feathers of the head, neck, and back narrowly edged with dull ochraceous; secondaries obscurely barred with dusky and wing- coverts sometimes bordered with ochraceous. Beneath, pale ochraceous ( or ochraceous white), with a collar of dusky spots across the lower part of the throat; breast and abdomen nearly immaculate; tibiae plain, or faintly spotted transversely with dusky. Tail grayish- brown, mixed on the basal half of the outer, and on nearly the whole extent of the inner, webs with ochraceous, and narrowly and obscurely barred toward the base with dusky. Seven specimens examined, in mus. Philadelphia Academy. * B. aquinoctialis agrees with U. anthracina in the following important external details: Remiges24; outer four primaries with inner webs ehallowly sinnated, the sinn-itioD just appreciable on the fourth. Tail even or slightly eniarginated. |