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Show 122 by six bands of dull black, wider than the brownish- gray interspaces. Lower parts as in the adult, but feathers of the breast and sides marked with narrow stripes of dilute brown. Wing, 7.80; tail, 7.00. ( Merida, Venezuela, 1873. A. Gcering; coll. O. Salvin.) At first sight, this new species appears very similar to X. chianogatter, especially in the whiteness of the lower parts. A close examination reveals so many important poiuts of difference, however, entirely outside the range of variation in that species, that it seems clearly distinct. Indeed, we consider it more closely related to X. ventralis, with which it closely agrees in the color of the tibia?, the narrowness of the light bands on the tail, and in the general aspect of the upper parts. The chief differences from X. chionogaster consist in the deep rufous instead o£ ochraceous tibia?, dusky instead of white auricnlars, and much narrower gray bands on the tail, in which respects it agrees with N. ren traits ; while from the latter it differs in the pure white lower parts oi both old and young. IN1SUS XIGROPLUMBEUS. Accipiter nigro- phtmbeus LAWI*. Ann. N. Y. Lye. 1869, 270 ( Quito Vallev, Ecuador}.- OKTON, Am. Nat. iv, Feb. 1871, 711. SP. CH.- Adult male:- Wing, 6.75; tail, 6.30; culmen, 0.45; tarsus, 1.95; middle toe, 1.30. Fourth quill longest; fifth scarcely shorter; first shortest; outer five with inner webs sinuated. Tail very slightly rounded, almost even. Prevailing color uniform dark plumbeous, the lower surface somewhat more glaucous and mixed on the abdomen, anal region, and crissum with ferrugineous- rafous ; this continuous on the middle of the abdomen and in cloudings on the center of the feathers, and paler in tint on the crissum. Tail narrowly tipped with white and crossed by four bands of black, rather broader than the plumbeous ones, which incline to a slaty- brownish tint. Longer scapulars and tertial* showing concealed large roundish spots of pure white; occipital feathers snowry- white beneath the surface; upper tail- coverts with concealed bands of ashy, growing white at the base of the feathers. Lining of the wing about equally clouded with light cinnamon and bluish- plumbeous; inner webs of primaries pure white for basal half and hoary slate for terminal half, the white portion crossed by broad bands of blackish slate, which become gradually obsolete in the slaty portion. Tarsal scutellee fused into a continuous plate. " Iris orange- yellow ; tarsi ami toes yellow." Bab.-" Eastern side of Quito Valley, on slope of Autisona, altitude 10,000 to 12,000 feet." The general appearance of this bird strongly suggests the possibility of its being a melanism of X. ventralis. The markings of the tail are the same, and the pictune of the under surface of the wing is similar, only darker. The color of the upper parts in their eutirety differs solely in being of a darker shade; while in the size, and iu the details « t structure, it corresponds exactly with the male of ventralis. NISUS CHIONOGASTER. Xiiua chionogaster KAUP, P. Z. S. 1851,41 ( Guatemala). Acoifiter chionogaster BONAP. Rev. et Mag. Zool. 1854, 53*.- SCL. A: SVLV EX ihn ii, 1867, 27, pi. xi v ; xi, 170; Norn. Neotr. 1873, 120.- GRAY, Hand List " i' H » 32.- SHARPE, Cat. Ace. B. M. 1874, 148. " Accipiter erythrocnemius SCL. & SALV. Ibis, 1859, 218.- SALV. Ibis. 1801, 140. Bab.- Guatemala. Wing, 6.80- 8.40; tail, 6.00- 7.30; cul men, 0.40- 0.52; tarsus, 1.90- 2.2.1: |