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Show 235 intns septo complete bilocellato, snlco dorsali angusto subclauso, stipite e calycis tubo hand exserto. Legumes an inch and a quarter or shorter in length, 2 J to 3 lines wide, the well- developed ones decidedly falcate; the partition about twice the length of the depth of the groove, which in the cross- section before dehiscence is oval and almost closed.- ASA GRAY. Animas Valley, 7,000 feet altitude. ASTRAGALUS BOBBINSII, Gray, var. (!) occidentalis, Watson. Animas Valley, 9,000 feet. ASTRAGALUS HUMILLIMUS, new species. C& spitoso- depressus, condensatus; caudice lignescente; caulibus vix pollicaribus stipulis scariosis coalitis imbricato- tectis, petiolis per-sistentibus hystricosis; foliolis 3- 5 jugis oblongis canescentibus mar-gine revolutis ( lineam longis) demum deciduis; pedunculis brevibus 1- 3 floris; calycis dentibus subulatis tubo oblongo- campanulato dimidio brevioribus; corolla pallida; legumine ovatocoriaceo albopubescente parvo ( lin. 2 longo) uniloculari 9- ovulato fere monospermo, suturis extus prominulis. Habit of A. jejunus, Watson, but much more dwarf and condensed; petioles and rhachis more spinescent and persistent; pod decidedly different.- ASA GRAY. Growing upon sandstone rock of the Mesa Verde, near the edge ot the Mancos Gaiion. ASTRAGALUS HAYDENIANUS, new species. A. bisulcuto affinis, minor, pube magis cinerea; spica elongata vir-gata; floribus multo minoribus ( lin. 3- 4 longis); calycis dentibus subulatis tubo multo brevioribus; corolla alba, carina tantum apice purpu-reo- tincta; legumine ovali utrinque obtusissimo venis transversis rugu-loso 6- 7ovulato 2- 4- spermo, facie ventrali late profundeque impressa sntura cost ae for mi valde prominente percussa, stipite calycem haud su-perante. Also collected on Grand Biver, Middle Park, by H. N. Patterson. A striking species, with slender stems 2 or 3 feet high; dedicated to the director of the Survey, and one of the oldest, most indefatigable, and distinguished explorers of the whole Bocky Mountain region.- ASA GRAY. The flowers of this species have the peculiar disagreeable odor of those of A. bisulcatus. Southwestern Colorado, between Parrott City and the Mancos, 8,000 feet. ASTRAGALUS PATTERSONI, new species. Scytocarpi, robustus, 1- 2- pedalis, adpresso- puberulus, nunc glabellas; foliolis 5- 10- jugis oblongis crassiusculis ( semipoll. ad pollicem longis); pedunculis racemoso- plurifloris folium sequantibus vel superantibus; floribus ultra semipollicaribus mox pendulis; calycis dentibus setaceo- sub-ulatis tubo cylindraceo dimidio brevioribus; corolla alba, carina apice nunc parpurascente; legumine ovali crasso- coriaceo inflato glabro ( saepius pollicari) polyspernio, basi intra calycem abrupte contracta sub-stipitiformi, suturis nee intrusis nee extus prominulis. The only flowering specimens seen were collected by Mr. H. N. Patterson, for whom it is named, in the foot- hills of Gore Mountains, Colorado. Fruiting specimens were also abundantly collected by L. H. Ward in Powell's exploration.- ASA GRAY. |