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Show BRIEF SYNOPSIS OF NORTH AMERICAN EARWIGS, WITH AN APPENDIX ON THE FOSSIL SPECIES. BY SAMUEL H. SCUDDER. The following synopsis includes all the species of Forficularice ( thirty-eight in number) known to me from North America and the West Indies. Only fourteen of them occur within the limits of the United States, and of these one ( Forf. Percheroni) is doubtful, and but nine are indigenous. The introduced species are Labidura riparia, Anisolabis maritimaf Forficula Percheroni, F. auricularia, and Labia minor. Those which I have not seen, and which are consequently described from the writings of others, with more or less inaccuracy on my part, are preceded by a dagger. Doubtless some oi them, and especially those of Fabricius, may be entirely misplaced, or * even synonymous with others, as they have not since been recognized, and few if any points of structure enter into the brief descriptions of the older authors. One is necessarily omitted. The descriptions have been made as brief as possible, and no synonymy is given; for the latter the student is referred to my list of described Forficutarke of the whole world, now printing in the eighteenth volume of Proceedings of the Boston Society of Natural History. The length of the body is exclusive of the forceps; and where the colors and length of the wings are meutioned, reference is made only to the portion of the wings which is exposed wheu the* insect is at rest. I. Sixth antennal joint much shorter than the first. A. Sixth antennal joint no longer than broad. THERMASTRIS. Whole body, but especially the anterior half, much flattened; antennae very long, composed of more than 30 joints; prosternum pointed anteriorly: tegmina and wings present; first and third tarsal joiuts equal; second very small, simple; third joint furnished with a pad; second and third abdominal segments without lateral plications; forceps moderately stout, straight, either distant, incurved at tip • (<?), or attingent ( 9). {" Posterior edge of penultimate ventral segment rounded \ aud entire 1. Ghontalia. I Posterior edge of same rounded, but excised in the [ middle 2. SaussureL 1. Ghontalia Scudd. Dull castaueous, the head, thorax, tegmina, and wings uniform black or blackish- brown, Body 18.5mm; forceps 5 6.25mm. Nicaragua. t2. Saussurei Dohrn. Rufo- piceous, the elytra and wings rufo- fuscous, but the latter yellow on inner half; base of femora, apex of tibire, and whole of tarsi yellow. Bodyl9, nm; forceps <? 5mm. Mexico. * This may be indigenous, bat it occurs over nearly tbe whole world. 249 |