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Show 321 are few and widely separated; there being no specimens from points between Virginia and Sonthern Texas, and none between Texas and Tehaantepec, Mexico, nor between these two last- named localities and Fort Tejon, Cal. The small insnlar race known as " UttoralifP^ from the islands off the coast of Southern California, come in between the Tehaantepec specimens and the example from Merida. While there are no very considerable breaks in the chain, the gradation would be more complete if specimens could be included from other intermediate localities. The specimens at hand are sufficient to show a very great bnt still very gradual decrease in size southward, amounting to over 25 per cent, of the mean size. The mean of the two extremes is 4.25, with a difference of 1.04; while, with a single exception, there is a gap at no point of more than 0.08* With this rapid decrease in size may be noticed a considerable range of variation in breadth in specimens of nearly the same length, indicating the existence of an unusual amount of individual variation, the ratio of width to length varying from 0.54 to 0.59. Measurements of fifteen skulls of UROCYOK VIRGIXIAXUS. Ij n 4729 968 671 7491 1175 3513 3545 4140 8659 8668 13851 8875 8154 6333 13477 Locality. Washington, D. C White Sulphur Springs, Va ,_, Washington County, T e x a s . . . . . . . r r x . - . . . . , . . , . . . . . .. Eagle Paw, Texas .". ---„-. r,,.. Tr Fort Tejon, Cal Cape Saint Lucas, Lower California Tenuantepeo, Mexico . . . . . . do.. T... do San " Ni^ olns Island, California Merida, Yucatan FELIS CONCO] $ 9 LOR Length. 4.77 4.70 4.63 4.60 4.50 4.63 4.55 4.50 4.40 4.97 4.15 3.85 3.80 3.75 i 7 3 Width. 8.70 8.56 2.65 2.70 8.56 8.53 8.65 2.43 8.35 8.37 2.25 2.23 2.05 8.10 1.98 Remarks. Var. litioralu. Do. Do. The amount of material available for the study of variation in size with locality in the present species is too small to yield very satisfactory results. In the eight specimens of which measurements are given below, it will be noticed that there is a decided increase in size southward. Between the three skulls from northern localities ( one each from Northern New York and Washington and Oregon Territories) and the three ( mature) skulls from sonthern localities ( Louisiana and the Bio Grande, Texas), the average difference is fully an inch, or about one- eighth of the mean size. |