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Show 157 Rtgerhinm uncinatus KAUP, Mas. Senck. 1843, 282; in Jard. Contr. Orn. 1850, 77.- R. SCHOMB. Rcise Guiana, 1848, 73( 3. Rostrhamus uncinatus STRICKL. Orn. Syn. i, 1855, 136. Leptodon uncinatus SIIARPK, Cat, Ace. B, M. 1874, 330. Falco vitiicaudus MAX. Beitr. iii, 18150, 178. Cymindis vitticaudus PELZ. Orn. Bras. 1871, 6, 398. Cymindi8 citculoides SWAINS. Class. B. i, 1837, 311; ii, 209. ' Cymindis pucherani L£ OT. Ois. Triirid. 1860, 40.- GKAY, Hand List, i, 1* 69, 25.- FINSCH, P. Z. 8. 1870, 557. f CymiRdis boliviemh BURM. P. Z. S. 1863, 635 - GRAY, Hand List, i, 1869, 28. Cymiudi* ( Itegerhinus) bolivienais GRAY, Hand List, i, 1869, 26, No. 257. Cnlmen forming a curve of one- fourth to one- third the circumference of a circle; horizontal diameter of the upper mandible considerably greater through the tomia than nearer the culmen. Wing, 10.70- 12.25; tail, 8.00- 9.00; culmen, 1.00- 1.45; tarsus, 1.40- 1.50; middle toe, 1.15- 1.25. Fourth to fifth quills longest; first shortest. a. Light phase. Adult:-( I.) Uniform dark plumbeous or plumbeous- black, the occiput with much basal white; tail deeper black, narrowly tipped with white or ash, and crossed about the middle by a broad zone of white, this sometimes tinged with ash.* ( II.) Similar, but paler plumbeous beneath, the crissum pale ochraceous or ochraceous- white ( sometimes with distant bars), and the entire lower surface barred narrowly with white Primaries with distant indistinct bands of black, especially on inner webs. Upper tail- coverts tipped and barred with pale ash or white. Tail with an additional narrower band at the end of the upper coverts, t the light bars ( which are more or less tinged with ash) passing into pale cream- color or white on the webs. Inuer webs of the primaries sometimes banded ( about equally) with white and plumbeous. j: Young:-( III.) Above blackish- brown or brownish- plumbeous, approaching black aute-riorly, and interrupted by a broad and continuous nuchal collar of deep ochraceous or bright rnfous. Tail with three about equal zones of black and grayish, and narrowly tipped with the latter. Auriculars and forehead bluish- ashy; pileum like the back. Beneath, white or ochra-ceons- white ( more ochraceous on the crissum), with broad nearly equal transverse bars of ferruginous over the whole surface, except sometimes on the crissum. Inner webs of primaries white, distantly banded with black. Inner primaries tinged with rufous. ( IV.) Younger? :- Generally similar, but feathers of upper parts more or less bordered with rufous; secondaries, tertails, and primaries narrowly tipped with white or ocbra-ceons, and very obscurely banded with darker. Nuchal collar white and sometimes badly defiued. Tail crossed with four nearly equal bands of black ancl grayish, and narrowly tipped with white. Auriculars and forehead blackish- brown, like the back and pileum. Lower parts barred with dark umber instead of rufous, the bars sometimes almost wholly absent. § ( V.) Youngest?:- Similar to the last, but the rufous borders to the feathers of the upper parts broader, very conspicuous on the ter-tials, secondaries, and primaries. Auriculars and broad nuchal collar pale ochraceous. Beneath distantly and irregularly barred with ferruginous over the whole surface except the throat. • Occasionally, as in No. 30541, " North Coast Contral Anutricn," and a Guatemalan * kin in Mr. Lawrence's collection, there is another narrower band anterior to this, just at the end of the upper coverts, or concealed by them. tThe tail- pattern of this stage is that seen in occasional individuals in the more uniformly plumbeous dress, noticed above. • Specimens of this plumage retain traces of stage III. ySome examples of this stage retain traces of stage V. |