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Show 150 GENUS GAMPSONYX, VIGORS. Gampsoin/ x VIGORS, Zool. Journ. ii, 1825, p. 69. Type, G. swainsoni Vig. Chondrohitrax LE& S. ( fide SIIARPK, Cat. Ace. Brit. Mns. 1874, 340). CH.- Similar to Elanm, but much smaller, and differing in relative proportions of different parts. Colors more varied. Tail more than two- thirds as long as the wing; scales of the feet larger, the upper surface of the toes having transverse scutella? to their bases. This genus is very closely related to Elanus, so much so in fact that it may be questioned whether it is not merely subgeuerically distinct, since they have so many features iu common. These two genera also agree with the genus Nauclerus of Africa in so many points in which all three differ from other Falconidce that they seem to form a very well-defined group, which may be termed the Elani, and which may be characterized by the following peculiar features cominou to the three genera. Group ELANI. CH.- Claws not grooved bepeath, their under surface being merely flattened, or even rounded.* Two, or none, of the outer quills with their inner webs sinuated. t Tarsus without any transverse scutellae, being covered nearly uniformly with small roundish or hexagonal scales. Outer toe appreciably shorter than the inner ( qu. in Nauclerm?)- Nostril broadly ovate, nearly horizontal, situated in the middle of the cere. The three genera differ from each other as follows:- A. Tomia without indentations. Tarsus about equal to, or just appre ciably longer than, the middle toe; second or third quill longest outer two with inner webs sinuated near their end. Tail much shorter than the wing, double rounfted. a. Tail less than two- thirds the wing. Scales of the feet very minute, there being transverse scutell& only on the terminal phalanx of the toes , Elarn*. b. Tail more than two- thirds the wing. Scales of the feet larger, the transverse scutellae of the toes extending nearly to their base. '. Oampsonyx. B. Tomia distinctly indented. Tarsus considerably longer than the middle toe. First quill longest; none sinuated.^ Tail nearly equal to the wing, excessively forked, the outer feather about twice as long as the inner, and much attenuated. Scales of the feet rough, hexagonal; transverse scutellae only on the terminal phalanx of the toes Nauclerus^ * Pandion is the only genus which shares this feature, bnt in it the claws are contracted in thickness toward the under side, which is not the case in the Elani, while all the claws are of equal length. f Excepting certain Femes, as Elanoides and Baza, no other Buteoninw have' less than three primaries with their inner webs sinuated. The Penes differ from the Elani, however, very essentially, in their bony structure, lacking the superciliary shield or accessory piece to the lachrymal, which is simple and almost rudimentary, as in Pandion. t The only instance, to our knowledge, in the entire family. $ The syncnymy andchaiactcrs of this remarkable genus are as follows:- Xamclerus VIGORS, Zool. Journ. ii, 1825, 386. Type, Elanoides riocouri VIEILL. Chelictinia LESSON, 1843 ( teste GRAY, nbi!). Same type. Chelidopteryx KAUP, Mus. Senck. iii, 1845, 258. Same type. Cypselopteryx KAUP, Weigra. Arcbiv, xvi, 1850, 31. CH.- Bill much as in Ictinia, but less robust; nostril unusually large, oval, obliquely |