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Show 159 List of specimens in United States National Museum. Catalogue Original Xo. No. Locality. From whom received. Central America I Captain J. M. Dow. Coata Rica • Dr. A. von Frantzius. Panama J. H. Reerea. Otk( r specimens examined.- In mus. Philad. Acad., 9; Am. Mus., N. Y., (>; Boston Soc., 6; G. X. Lawrence, 5; total, 29. REGERHINUS WILSONL rymindis wilsonii CASS. Journ. Ac. N. S. Philad. n. ser. i, 1847, 21, pi. 7.- GRAY, Gen. B. fol. App. 2 ; Haud List, i, 1869, 28.- BONAP. Consp. 1850, 21.- STRICKL. Om. Syn. i, 1855, 129.- LAWR. Ann. Lye. N. Y. vii, 1860, 257.- SCL. & SALV. Norn. Neotrop. 1S73, 122. Regerhinns wilsonii KAUP, Arch. f. Naturg. 1850, 40.- BREWER, Pr. Boston Soe. N. H. 1860, 305.- GUNDL. Journ. f. O. 1872, 360. Leptodon irihoni SHARPE, Cat. Ace. Brit. Mas. 1874, 333. Eegerhinus uncinatus CABAN. Journ. f. Orn. 1854, lxxx ( not of Temai.)- Cymindis uncinatus BREWER, Pr. Boston Soc. N. H. 1860, 305. Hah- Cuba. Cnlmen forming a curve of nearly one- half the circumference of a circle; horizontal diameter of the upper mandible scarcely greater through the tomia than near the culmen. Wing, 9.70- 10.50; tail, 7.50- 8.00; cul-men, 1.50; tarsus, 1.15- 1.25; middle toe, 1.05- 1.10. Fifth quill longest: first about equal to the tenth. Adult:- Above, including nape and head all round, bluish- slate, paler and more bluish- ashy on cephalic portions; primaries darker. Tail black, crossed by four light bands, the two anterior ones white, the others light ash- gray, the snbterminal one much the widest, the terminal one about equal to the others. Beneath white, barred everywhere, except on the crissum, with pale gray anteriorly and timber posteriorly, these bars nearly as wide as the white interspaces. Crissum with the longer feathers narrowly and distantly barred. Under surface of the primaries plain white, anterior to their sinuation the terminal portion ashy, with about three distant bands, those on the white being dilute rufous, and those on the gray blackish. Young:-( I.) Above umber, more or less tinged with ferruginous on the wings, the inner primaries being mostly of this color. Tail brownish- gray, crossed by three distant baud* of blackish, these broader and more distinct terminally, the tip being quite broadly and regularly of the ground- color. Near the base are two to three more or less distinct narrow and interrupted bands of white. Lower parts, including a collar round the nape, * bite, the whole surface broadly ( more narrowly on the neck, all round, and on the lining of the wing) barred with ferruginous. II. ( very young):- Above brownish- gray, the feathers bordered terminally with pale rusty; remiges indistinctly banded with darker. Tail ash- gray, becoming gradually white at the extreme base, narrowly tipped with the same, and crossed by six narrow bands of dull black. Head plain pale ashy, becoming gradually white on the throat. Beneath white, distinctly barred, except on the crissum, with narrow lunules of brown. Catalogue No. 235M Sex and ago. cfjnv. List of specimens in United States Xational Museum. Locality. Monte Verde, Cuba . * *• From whom received. Charles Wright Other specimens examined.- In Mus. Philad. Acad., 2. |