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Show 163 48815, 9, Santiago, Chile):- Above chiefly brownish- black, but this broken by a reddish- fulvous streaking on the head, neck, and back, and by a coarse irregular spotting of the same on the greater wing- coverts; all other feathers more or less tipped or margined with the same. Bern-iges dusky grayish- brown, with indistinct narrow bars of dusky. Upper tail- coverts immaculate white. Tail dusky grayish- brown, the extreme base pure white, and the tip fulvous- white, crossed by very numerous ( about nineteen) narrow indistinct bars of dusky; their inner webs more whitish, with the bars better defined. Lower parts ochraceous, the throat, jugulum, breast, sides, and abdomen with longitudinally ovate or tear- shaped spots of brownish- black, largest on the breast. Tibire marked with faint, small, aud irregular bars of brown. Crissum immaculate white. An adult from Guayaquil ( No. 54933) has the blackish more continuous, but still conspicuously streaked with white ou the throat; the tibiae are pale ochraceous, thickly barred with rusty; the terminal band of tbe tail is less than an inch wide, aud is tinged with gray. Nos. 13907, female, and 13908, male, from Chile, differ iu having the black much broken, both above and below, but chiefly on the lower surface, with white spottings and streaks; the throat and cheeks white, streaked with dusky. These two specimens correspond quite closely with Tem-minck's plate of the adult. £. harrisi. Adult with the blackish continuous aud uniform. Wing, 12.35- 14.50; tail, 9.80- 11.00; culmen, 0.90- 1.10; tarsus, 3.15- 3.75; middle toe, 1.65- 2.00. Adult female ( No. 12230, Cape St. Lucas, Lower California):- Prevailing color uniform sooty- black, deepest on the tail, the rump somewhat tinged with chestnut. Lesser wingcoverts, lining of the wing, and the tibiae plain, unbroken, rich chestnut- rufous, middle wing- coverts similar, the middle portion of each feather blackish; greater coverts of the under side with black shaft- streaks. Under surface of primaries ( inner webs) plain sooty- black. Upper tail- coverts and crissum pure white, the former with blackish shaft- streaks Tail deep black, the extreme base and a broad terminal band pure white. Wing, 14.50; tail, 10.00; tarsus, 3.25; middle toe, 2.00. [ No. 42559, Iztlan, W. Mexico, is similar to the preceding but not so black, the dark color inclining to a deep dark sepia, unbroken however, and the rump chestnut, with the feathers dusky centrally. White of upper tail- coverts without dusky shaft- streaks. Wing, 14.60; tail, 10.30: tarsus, 3.25; middle toe, 1.95.] Immature male ( No. 50763, Tepic, w. Mexico):- Above similar to the adult but less uniform, the nape and back relieved by rusty- fulvous edges to the feathers, the sides of the head and neck more thickly streaked with the same. Lower parts ochraceous, the throat thickly streaked with black; the breast, sides, and abdomen with longitudinally ovate or tear- shaped spots of black, largest on the breast. Tibice marked with narrow bars of dusky browu and rusty; crissum paler, relieved only by blackish shaft- streaks. Wings as in the adnlt, but the'rufous more broken, and the remiges more brownish. Tail as in the adult, but the terminal white narrower, less purely white and lees sharply defined, the inner webs more or less distinctly barred with white, blackish, and grayish brown. " Iris chestnut- brown; cere, chin, and skin round the eye yellow." Immature female ( No. 15260, Fort Buchanan, New Mexico):- Similar to the preceding, but black beneath more prevalent, though irregularly broken by whitish edgings and spottings of the feathers; tibiae more distinctly barred with rusty. |