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Show of the advertiseme.& they were entitled to all. Mr.-Hollister, however, reluctantly submitted to the ruling, and agreed to receipt for the 10,000,000 feet only, but the Ooonto Oompauy objected, claiming that the logs to be retained by the agent and superintendent were of supe-rior qnality and ]lot a fair average. The claim of the purchasers that they should he awarded all was not considered altogether uureasoua-ble, a h t he arbi t rar~se lecting of logs to be retained threatened to prevent an early or sat,isfactory settlement of the matter. &loreover, the retained logs mould deteriorate by exposure on the river bank for a year or so, and might at any time be consumed forest fires. The office, therefore, 'became satisfied that i t would be for the b e ~itn terests of the Government to sell all the logs. Recommendation to that effect was approved by the Department April 30,1891,- with the understand. ing that the question of disposition to be made of funds arising from the sale of the surplus over the 20,000,000 feet would be reserved for future consideration. The total proceeds of this sale amounted to the following: S. W. Hollister & Co., 4,639,590 feet on Wolf River (main atream), at $10.50 per thonsand ................................................. $47,665.69 S. W. Hollistor &Co.,6,825,8JO feet on t,he tributaries of the Wolf River, at $9 per thonsand .................................................. 61,432.92 _ Ooonto Company, 11,404,090 feet on the Ooonto River, at$10.80 perthou-sand ........................... ...................................... 123,164.17 Total ........................................................... 232,262: 78 Dsdoot amount received from the sale of the surplus over the 20,000,000 feet, not legally the property of theIndians ......................... 27,453.40 Gross proceeds of the PO,OOO,OO) feet allowed by law to he sold .......... 204,809.38 Dednot expanse of cutting, bsukiog, soaling, selling, eto. (The exaot amount of this oan not be known until the ilcooonts of the agent are received and exax~ined,b ut i t will probably be nearly the amount advanosd by the Government, which isto be reimbursed). ............ 75,000.00 Leaving ........................................................ 129,809.38 Dedoot the one-tifth part to be deposited in the Treasury of the United States to the credit of the Menomonees, to be used at the discretion of the Secretary of the Interior for their benefit, vis ................ 25,961.87 103.847.51 This will leave nearly $104,000 co be funded in toe United States !heatinry, interest on whioh, at the rat0 of 5 per cent. per annum, is to be paid to the Meuomorlees per capita, or to be expended for their benefit under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior. It must be borne in iuiucl, however, that sectiotl 2 of the act authorizes the Secretary of the Traavury to annually advance $i5,000 on the order of the Secretary of tlre Irlterior to the Menomonees out of any money of theirs in the Treasury to enable them to carry on logging under the act, which will temporarily reduce this sum. The or~e-fifth$, 25,961.87, will be needed for, and no doubt applied to, the purpose for which the stumpage or poor fund has hitherto been |