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Show i ance it is understood thst some school buildings and echo01 appliances were destroyed. The Sioux muat moderatand thst they have no right to insiet on aompli-anae with those stioulations of them a-m eements which nr.vide for them food. oloth-ing, etc., while at the same time they reject and refuse to oomply with those pro-visions which require their good behavior.. .ne aoeable condnct, the education of their children, efforts to beooms self-supporting, eto. They must live np to dl the stipois-tions of their agreements if they asnt the United Ststev to do likewise. PONIEL By seotion 'ti of the aot of March 2, 118J, $23,200, or so muob thereof as might be necessary, Na8 appropriated to pay to Iodinus of the Re<lClattdsnd Red Leaf baud8 of Sioux for ponies of which they were deprived by the Governmeut in 1876, at the mte of $40 fur each pony. This matter has been subrattted for the ooosideretion of the Seoretary of thelntarior. It will no doubt soon receive aotion by him, and the above snm will doobtless he disbursed atrun early date to Indians entitled thereto. Two hondrsd thousand dollars is s .~.n r o- ~ r i s t aind t he first section of the act of Jan-usry 19, 1891, to be immediately available, to reimborse to such Indians af the Stand-ing Rock and Cheyenne River Agnnaia. aa have been deprived by authority of the United States of DOnies in 1M6. the vslue of the same at the rate of 840 for each Pony. The War Department has been called on for informstlou as to the persons from whom these ponies were taken, and the matter will be adjosted with all prscticrrblo apeed. Instructions to guide a apeoia1 agent io making the neaesaary investigations are now being prepared, sod I hope the matter will soon be pot in such shape m to warrant early payment of what shall he found to be due. APPROPRIATION FOR BWTEE SIOUX AT FLANDREAU, 6. DAK. There is an ifem in the Indian appropriation not of A&sB 19, 1890, spp&priabing $45,000, or so much thereof as might be necessary, to pay the Sentee Plionx located at ~ ~ Flindreao, S. Dak., in case they-chose to tike the money instead of land, the sum of $1 per aore in lieu of the allotments to whichthey wouldbeeotitled: One install-ment of said fund har been sent to the agent at Santee Agency, Nebr., for pay- ., ment to the Indians entitled thereto, and the remainder will be transmitted him a t an early date to complete the payment. CATTLE, ETC. The seventeenth aectionof the act of March 2,1889, contains a pnrmanent sppropri-ation for the purchase for the nseof the Indisosfrom time to time ofsuoh nomber, not exceeding 26,000 oons and 1,000 bolls, as in the judgment of the Secretaryof the Interior could be, underregulations foroiahed by him, oared for and preserved, with their inorease, by said Indians; also for pravidiugaach head of a family or single person over tlie age of eighteen years who shell ham or may hereafter take his or her-- Allotment of land in severalty vith two miloh cows, one pair of oxen with yoke and chain, or two mares and 000 act of harness in lieu of said oxen, yoke and chain; one plow, one wagon, one harrow, one hoe, sne ax, and one pitchfork; also for the payment of $50 in oaah to be expended for the erection of houses nud other buildings 8o~ta)Jlfeo r residenos or improvement of their allotments, in acoordanoe with section 17 of said act of Meroh 2, 1889. Proper aatiou will be taken bg the Department to carry not all the purposes of said appropriation when reports fi~roishing the information celled for shall have been received from all of the agents. MONEY POR OTEER ARTICLES NECESSARY FOR INDIAN& The tenth article of the treaty of Lori1 29, 19tid; provides that thesum of $10 fur each person entitle& to the benefits of the treaty shdl he mnnnally appropriated for |